20. August 2021
Henriette zu Doha

Rest till Bäst – Vinnova-funded ligt­house biochar project

From Rest till Bäst – We are proud to contri­bute to this important Scan­di­na­vian project, which aims to be at the fore­front of the deve­lo­p­ment of circular economy and carbon sink solu­tions through carbo­niza­tion of organic waste across Europe. PYREG has been invited to join the consor­tium as the only manu­fac­turer of carbo­niza­tion plants. This Swedish project with 15 part­ners, repre­sen­ting univer­si­ties, larger compa­nies, small busi­nesses and muni­ci­pa­li­ties aims to develop solu­tions for society’s organic resi­dues and create biochar, while mini­mi­zing the envi­ron­mental and climate impact and estab­li­shing a carbon sink. 




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See you in California!

See you in California!

SAVE THE DATES! We’re headed to California for the World Ag Expo in Tulare and the North American Biochar Conference in Sacramento and we’d love to see you there! Stop by our booth to learn how regenerative agriculture through biochar can transform...

Cele­bra­ting 15 years!

Cele­bra­ting 15 years!

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New science confirms that Biochar is permanent

New science confirms that Biochar is permanent

It’s time to end the debate – new research confirms that biochar delivers permanent carbon removal! A very insightful podcast by Nori with Hamed Sanei. "Hamed walks us through why there has been debate, what his research has found, and why he...