30. January 2025
Henriette zu Doha
agriculture | BCR | Biochar | Biomass | business | climate protection | PFAS

A New Economic Engine for Maine’s Forest Industry

Our partner Stan­dard Biocarbon is using PYREG tech­no­logy to do amazing things for Maine’s forestry and agri­cul­ture industries.
SBC’s faci­lity takes sawmill bypro­ducts like wood chips, pins, and fines and trans­forms these resi­duals into high-quality biochar, crea­ting a new revenue stream for forestry busi­nesses and helping to main­tain healthy, produc­tive forests.
The biochar produced is being used by Maine’s agri­cul­ture industry as a soil reme­dia­tion solu­tion for agri­cul­tural land that’s been conta­mi­nated with harmful PFAS, offe­ring the state a tool to help restore health and safety.

Click the link to learn more in the US Biomass Maga­zine.


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Biochar – a scalable solu­tion in the fight against PFAS

Biochar – a scalable solu­tion in the fight against PFAS

Research proves that the PFAS threat is real, that it’s widespread, and is linked to a wide range of significant health risks in humans and animals, but there is something we can do. PYREG is a proven and scalable solution for destroying PFAS in...

New System Installation

New System Installation

We’ve commissioned a new PX500S system for our partner TCHAR in Taiwan. PYREG negative-emissions technology will be used to convert agricultural residues and other biosolids into high-quality biochar while also creating valuable carbon credits....