Cele­bra­ting 15 years!

Cele­bra­ting 15 years!

From a garage start-up to market leader On this day 15 years ago, PYREG was founded by Helmut Gerber (CTO) who started the company from his very own garage. The PYREG Helmut Gerber Inge­nieur­büro GmbH (now known as PYREG GmbH) was created in 2009 as a spin-off from...
New science confirms that Biochar is permanent

New science confirms that Biochar is permanent

It’s time to end the debate – new rese­arch confirms that biochar deli­vers perma­nent carbon removal! A very insightful podcast by Nori with Hamed Sanei. “Hamed walks us through why there has been debate, what his rese­arch has found, and why he thinks the debate...