17. September 2021
Henriette zu Doha
Biochar | CCS | climate change

Biochar to miti­gate climate change – how it works

The German Biochar Asso­cia­tion and EBI explain and empha­size the importance of biochair in the fight against climate change. Here is the latest work, an easy-to-under­stand film. Please share it as much as possible!

“Einfach loslegen”, das war der Ansatz vom Fach­ver­band Pflan­zen­kohle. Denn in der breiten Bevöl­ke­rung ist der über­ra­gende Klima­schutz-Nutzen der Pflan­zen­kohle noch lange nicht ange­kommen. Auf der Website https://klimakohlehoffnung.de/ gibt es neben dem guten Erklär­video daher knackig aufbe­rei­tete Infor­ma­tionen, vor allem aber auch konkrete Hand­lungs­emp­feh­lungen. So geht Klima­schutz heut­zu­tage: einfach loslegen!


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New System Installation

New System Installation

We’ve commissioned a new PX500S system for our partner TCHAR in Taiwan. PYREG negative-emissions technology will be used to convert agricultural residues and other biosolids into high-quality biochar while also creating valuable carbon credits....

Climate Week – Let`s meet in New York

Climate Week – Let`s meet in New York

We’ll be attending and participating in Climate Week NYC later this month to meet with partners and other leaders in the climate and carbon removal industries. On September 24th, we’ll be a sponsor and participate at the Puro.earth Carbon Dioxide...