Oct 8, 2023 | climate change, climate protection, Co2-Footprint, technology
The ProSieben TV presenter Thore Schölermann invited dedicated climate protection entrepreneurs, scientists and authors to Germany’s highest TV studio on the Zugspitze. A very insightful and rousing TV production of the “Hope for change” Talk. The...
May 11, 2023 | agriculture, Biochar, biosolids, Co2-Footprint, PFAS, phosphorus fertilizer, Sewage Sludge, Waste
Recycling sewage sludge, through the process of pyrolysis, results in the production of high-quality biochar, containing valuable phosphorus, an essential nutrient for plant growth. Moreover, this process offers municipalities a safe and profitable...
Dec 7, 2022 | Biochar, CDR, climate change, Co2-Footprint
This 6 – 8 December 2022, join PYREG for International Biochar Initiative’s annual symposium, “Raising Climate Ambitions with Biochar.” The three-day, virtual event will focus on quantifying biochar’s true climate solution impacts, as well as provide...
Sep 8, 2021 | Co2-Footprint, Pyrolysis, Uncategorized, Waste
We are looking forward to presenting our Waste-to-Value climate protection technology to a large interested clientele at UK´s largest waste management event. RWM Expo addresses the latest topics, trends and solutions surrounding recycling and waste...
Jun 17, 2021 | Biochar, CCS, Co2-Footprint
The “more natural” the higher the acceptance of a CCS method such as biochar production. A cross-disciplinary collaboration at Cornell University found that a majority of the U.S. public is supportive of soil carbon storage as a climate change mitigation...
Mar 7, 2021 | Biochar, Biomass, Co2-Footprint, Waste
Biogenic residues, such as those released for disposal in industrial processes as well as those that have so far simply been left to rot (e.g. wood cuttings), pose a considerable climate problem: they contain carbon. In conventional disposal efforts, this carbon is...