29. Juli 2022
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Bioenergie | Biomasse | CDR | net-zero | Pflanzenkohle | Pyrolyse | Reststoffe

Talking about Biochar with PYREG CSO Robert Kovach by YourCentralValley.com Local News

„Carbo­niza­tion of biomass to produce Biochar for use in Rege­ne­ra­tive Agriculture”

PYREG held its first Biochar sympo­sium for Growers in the Cali­fornia Central Valley.
Why? Biomass resi­dues are valuable mate­rials!  With PYREG NetZero Carbo­niza­tion Systems, growers can trans­form their waste/residues into highly valuable Biochar. By applying the carbo­niza­tion process, Growers achieve a Circular Economy,  produ­cing Biochar, while gene­ra­ting rene­wable energy and carbon credit certificates.
Biochar is extre­mely inte­res­ting for agri­cul­ture because its sponge-like struc­ture stores water and nutri­ents, thus coun­ter­ac­ting soil dehy­dra­tion, impro­ving soil health and incre­asing crop yields/quality.
Robert Kovach clearly explains how Biochar works. A lively inter­view. Take a look!

KSEE24 Local News That Matters – KSEE Television
CBS47 Eyewit­ness News – KGPE Television



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