1. February 2023
Henriette zu Doha
service partners | technology

The Czech company HST Hydro­sys­témy s.r.o., is the first offi­cial certi­fied service partner of PYREG

As a world­wide opera­ting company, PYREG is deve­lo­ping a network of certi­fied Service Part­ners for its custo­mers in curr­ently three continents.
HST Hydro­sys­témy s.r.o., one of the leading compa­nies in the supply of tech­no­lo­gies and sub-equip­ment for waste­water manage­ment in the Czech Repu­blic, has become the first tech­nical service provider to be certi­fied as a PYREG Service Partner.

As a world­wide opera­ting company, PYREG is deve­lo­ping a network of certi­fied Service Part­ners for its custo­mers in curr­ently three conti­nents. In addi­tion to the proven PYREG service, the service part­ners guarantee long-term and direct on-site support for custo­mers with services such as main­ten­ance and tech­nical support. Inten­sive trai­ning, regular audits and close ties guarantee the high quality stan­dards of PYREG GmbH in terms of tech­nical compe­tence, short response time, direct avai­la­bi­lity of PYREG tech­no­logy compon­ents and thus simpli­fied hand­ling for the operator and user. If required and on request, this part­ner­ship also includes the use of PYREG specialists.

HST, as a long-estab­lished Czech company focu­sing on custo­mized system solu­tions and service, has been closely asso­ciated with PYREG since 2017 and has already gained exten­sive tech­nical expe­ri­ence with PYREG since 2020: HST commis­sioned the first PYREG P500 in the Czech Repu­blic at the waste­water treat­ment plant in Trutnov CZ. “In HST, we have been able to gain a proven specia­list with expert staff as a service partner through certi­fi­ca­tion. In order to be in a posi­tion to provide premium service to our custo­mers, our demands on our part­ners are premium as well. HST with its mana­ging director Petr Hell­mich meets this excel­lently,” says Dr. Michael Merz, COO of PYREG.

The certi­fi­ca­tion covers tech­nical services such as quar­terly main­ten­ance, deli­very and storage of spare and wear parts, and the perfor­mance of repair and service work on PYREG equip­ment during the warranty period and beyond.

Foto: Dr. Michael Merz (COO PYREG GmbH), Petr Hell­mich (Mana­ging Director HST Hydro­sys­témy s.r.o.) and Peter Wickert (Head of Service PYREG GmbH)


  1. Hello,
    I am Khalid from Saudi Arabia
    I am looking for pyro­lysis unit to produce biochar commer­ci­ally for agri­cul­ture appli­ca­tion by utili­zing wide range of organic waste ( produc­tion capa­city about 10-15 ton per day)
    Simple and cost effec­tive tech­nique (fast process with low temperature)
    Source of organic waste: Cow Manure, Sludge, Poultry and other
    Looking forward to hear from you

  2. Hi Khalid,
    Thank you for your inte­rest. I forwarded your request to ous sales team and they will get back to you right on Monday. Best regards, Henriette

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