Image: nicoelnino, Adobe Stock
6. December 2018
Sine Friedrich
Biochar | Co2-Footprint

CLIMATE PROTEC­TION: IPCC recom­mends biochar as CO2 reservoir

A little igno­ring, avoi­ding, waiting and blan­dis­hing simply doesn’t help any more: We have to actively protect the climate. For example, the latest report of the Inter­go­vern­mental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) makes it clear that if global warming is to be limited to 1.5 degrees. Several hundred giga­tonnes of the green­house gas CO2 must be removed from the atmo­sphere this century. A comple­tely utopian project?

Not at all. A very ambi­tious goal, but certainly feasible with these tech­no­lo­gies: refo­re­sta­tion, rena­tu­ra­tion of forests and rural areas, carbo­ni­sa­tion of biomass in indus­trial processes such as the PYREG process with subse­quent capture and storage of the resul­ting CO2 and incre­asing the carbon content in soils. The IPCC refers expli­citly to the studies of Claudia Kammann (Geisen­heim Univer­sity of Applied Sciences), Hans-Peter Schmidt (Ithaka Insti­tute) and Constanze Werner and Wolf­gang Lucht (Potsdam Insti­tute for Climate Impact Rese­arch). All four rese­ar­chers have inves­ti­gated and proven the climate protec­tion poten­tial of biochar in detail.

Biochar binds 3 times its own weight to CO2. It also coun­ter­acts soil humus loss by retur­ning carbon to the soil. In addi­tion, it signi­fi­cantly reduces methane and nitrous oxide emis­sions (which are 25 times/ 300 times as harmful to the climate as CO2) when insert into the soil or as a bedding addi­tive in the stable. In addi­tion, not a single tree has to die in the end for biochar: The world­wide quan­ti­ties of resi­dual biomass such as green waste, slurry & manure, biowaste, nut shells, sieve resi­dues etc. are loosely suffi­cient to produce biochar in a very sustainable way and to save the climate.

LINK: Read more about the latest IPCC report.

DOWN­LOAD: Learn more about biomass which can be used for biochar.


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