24. January 2021
Biochar | Biomass | Co2-Footprint | Pyrolysis | Waste

Sweden: Max Burgers turns waste into biochar and saves the climate

Max Burgers, Sweden’s favou­rite hamburger restau­rant chain, is curr­ently parti­ci­pa­ting in a pilot biochar project enabled by our partner Skånefrö, a Swedish producer and supplier of EBC-certi­fied premium biochar.
Max Burgers is a pioneer in climate friendly disposal of food waste because they know the unplea­sant facts: When wasting food, we are also wasting the carbon which is absorbed through photo­syn­thesis by the plants as natural origin of our food.

That´s the reason why Max Burgers is now conver­ting lobby waste into biochar in a pilot project. Turning waste into biochar and spre­a­ding it on farm­land means that it will stay there for at least 100 years, while impro­ving the ferti­lity of the soil.

In this project, Skånefrö converts food waste from the Max Burgers restau­rant in Ystad into biochar by pyro­lysis, with a PYREG Indus­trial Unit. The PYREG process allows the precise control of the para­me­ters, so that nutri­ents can be recy­cled gently. Tempe­ra­tures of 500-700°C sani­tize the waste and elimi­nate any kind of pollut­ants, redu­cing the total quan­tity signi­fi­cantly. This carbo­ni­sa­tion process is desi­gned to be energy effi­cient, so that excess heat (rene­wable energy) is extra­cted for addi­tional purposes (drying, heating).The biochar is then quan­ti­fied by Ecoera and spread on fields at Sköna­dals Farm in the area of Österlen. An example of circular economy at its best!

Max Burgers, the most profitable
restau­rant chain in Sweden

Max Burgers, the most profi­table restau­rant chain in Sweden, is family owned and was founded in 1968. By follo­wing the world´s inde­pen­dent stan­dard for carbon neutra­lity – ISO 14021, Max Burgers laun­ched the world’s first climate-posi­tive burgers. How does Max do it? Max measures 100% of their product emis­sions, reduces emis­sions and captures at least 110% of emis­sions. As a result for their work with climate posi­tive products, Max Burgers has received the “Global Climate Action Award” by the UN in 2019.
For further infor­ma­tion please find details here.



  1. What instal­ling a pilot plant in Nort­hern Cali­fornia would cost?

    Several local citi­zens are thin­king of clea­ning dead trees and under­growth in our forests to prevent wild­fires and would like to include your product when we suggest options to our authorities.

    Please inform us also on the cost of ship­ping it to our port of Oakland, CA USA.

  2. https://pyreg.com/max-burgers-turns-waste-into-biochar/

    What instal­ling a pilot plant in Nort­hern Cali­fornia would cost?

    Several local citi­zens are thin­king of clea­ning dead trees and under­growth in our forests to prevent wild­fires and would like to include your product when we suggest options to our authorities.

    Please inform us also on the cost of ship­ping it to our port of Oakland, CA USA.

  3. Congra­tu­la­tions!
    Your biochar example is most inte­res­ting to Inka­terra, a Peru­vian family owned rural effort which has recently been called the First Climate Posi­tive Tourism company, as you.
    Machu Picchu has been declared the first Carbon Neutral desti­na­tion by UNEP and by UNWTO due to our biochar and garbage manage­ment efforts.
    Could you guide us into bette­ring this process as a means to convert urban dome­stic waste into biochar as an alter­na­tive to reduce silos/compost carbon/methane emis­sions and bette­ring soil recup­er­a­tion of degraded rural areas?

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