5. September 2024
Henriette zu Doha

Minister Presi­dent of Rhine­land-Pala­ti­nate, Alex­ander Schweitzer, visits PYREG in Dörth

We are proud to have Minister Presi­dent Alex­ander Schweitzer visit Dörth today and to show­case our market-leading Net Zero technology.

“As a pionee­ring entity within the nascent carbon dioxide removal industry, PYREG repres­ents a ‘hidden cham­pion’ within the Rhine­land-Pala­ti­nate region, parti­cu­larly within an industry that holds immense poten­tial for future growth. The company demons­trates considerable inno­va­tive strength, which is essen­tial for the sustainable produc­tion of goods. It is a chal­len­ging task to make our indus­trial and tech­no­lo­gical state fit for the future with rene­wable ener­gies. Tech­no­lo­gies such as those from PYREG are vital for this tran­si­tion. Today, I have seen today that this is indeed possible,” states Minister Presi­dent Alex­ander Schweitzer.



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Arizona, here we come!

Arizona, here we come!

We’ll be attending the COMPOST 2025 conference and tradeshow hosted by the US Composting Council in Phoenix on January 27th-29th. Stop by the PYREG booth #727 to say hi and learn about our proven, sustainable, and scalable biochar production...