Future­proof - Made in Germany



The latest gene­ra­tion: The Pyreg PX

Highly effi­cient, extre­mely robust and modu­larly configurable. 

Auto­thermal Process

The PYREG process itself is auto­thermal; meaning that only energy,
gene­rated by the carbo­niza­tion of the waste mate­rial, is used to perpe­tuate the opera­tion of the PYREG system.

How it works

The PYREG process and the advan­tages at a glance


The only requi­re­ments for the input mate­rial are:

That`s the strength of PYREG:

Multi-Mate­rial Capability

Carbo­niza­tion is a process that has been known for many centu­ries. However, only the PYREG process allows the precise control of the para­me­ters, so that carbon products can be produced in various quality grades and nutri­ents can be recy­cled gently.
As the PYREG system carbo­nizes the input mate­rial at tempe­ra­tures of up to 750°C, organic-based pollut­ants (such as solvents and micro­pla­s­tics) are prac­ti­cally elimi­nated and mineral pollut­ants are filtered, to ensure they cannot re-enter the envi­ron­ment.
Effi­cient, climate friendly and without harmful by-products: You can rely on us – we are the world market leader.

Our service for you starts with the analysis of your resi­dual mate­rials.
It gives us clarity about what kind of end product you can expect.

Possible appli­ca­tions
– depen­dent on the input material

This is our strength: Only PYREG systems can recycle such a wide range of hete­ro­ge­neous, biogenic residues.

Only PYREG can do that:
Control of carbonization

Only the PYREG process allows such precise control of the carbo­niza­tion para­me­ters; ther­e­fore, carbon products can be produced in diffe­rent quality grades, ensu­ring that raw mate­rials, such as phos­phorus, can be gently recy­cled.
At the same time, organic-based pollut­ants (such as solvents and micro­pla­s­tics) are virtually elimi­nated and mineral-based pollut­ants are filtered out at tempe­ra­tures of up to 750°C. Effi­cient, climate-friendly and without harmful by-products.

Inno­va­tive engi­nee­ring for maximum

indus­trial standards 

  • Multi-mate­rial capability 
  • Modular concept for maximum flexi­bi­lity and efficiency
  • State-of-the-art auto­ma­tion and control technology
  • Future­proof data acqui­si­tion and processing
  • > 99 % elimi­na­tion of fine dust in exhaust gas due to special process gas filter
  • Meets EU emis­sion limits
  • Low main­ten­ance requirements
  • Maximum varia­bi­lity in heat extra­c­tion: Hot water, steam, thermal oil
  • 4.5 GWhth usable heat energy per year
  • Tempe­ra­ture control of carbo­niza­tion provides tailor made biochar
  • Gentle carbo­niza­tion to opti­mize raw mate­rial recy­cla­bi­lity (e.g. phosphorous)
  • Auto­thermal process 

> learn more ( PDF )

System data


Combus­tible rating (approx) 1.500 kW
Annual throughput
(OS, 20% water contet)
3000 t
Annual produc­tion
(OS, 20% water content)
750 t
Maximum thermal cacacity 600 kW th 
Excess thermal energy 4.500.000 kWh per year
Annual opera­tion hours 7.500 h
Power consump­tion 40 kWel
Size l 13.000 mm
w 3.000 mm
h 7.800 mm
Addi­tional tech­no­logy module
l 6.000 mm
w 3.000 mm
h 5.800 mm

OS= original subs­tance. Maxumum figures based on 7.500 opera­ting hours


Combus­tible rating (approx) 1.500 kW
Annual throughput
(OS, 10% water content)
3.300 t
Annual produc­tion
(OS, 20% water content)
2.000 t
Maximum thermal capacity 600 kW th 
Excess thermal energy 4.500.000 kWh per year
Annual opera­tion hours 7.500 h
Power consump­tion 48 kWel
Size l 13.000 mm
w 3.000 mm
h 9.800 mm
Addi­tional tech­no­logy
module with flue gas clea­ning system

flue gas scrub­bers, acti­vated carbon filters
l 12.000 mm
w 3.000 mm
h 5.800 mm

OS = original subs­tance. Maximum figures based on 7.500 opera­timng hours.

What is Carbonization?

Carbo­niza­tion is the conver­sion of carbon-contai­ning mate­rials such as food waste, sewage sludge, pack­a­ging waste, car tires or indus­trial waste into carbon, through the appli­ca­tion of heat under low-oxygen condi­tions. In other words, the input mate­rial is not inci­ne­rated, but ther­mally degassed at low tempe­ra­tures and comple­tely sanitized.

Carbonization materials


Usable energy

The carbo­niza­tion process is self-sustai­ning; after comple­tion of the acti­va­tion phase no further external energy is required to run the process, as the energy from the waste is suffi­cient for the conti­nu­ance of the thermal treat­ment. It is even possible to benefit from the excess heat produced; an amount from 170 up to 600 kWth may be used for drying of humid biomass, for heating or power generation.

Auto­thermal process

The PYREG process itself is auto­thermal; meaning that only energy, gene­rated by the carbo­niza­tion of the waste mate­rial, is used to perpe­tuate the opera­tion of the PYREG system.

Thermal hygie­niza­tion

The PYREG process is a conti­nuous method and uses the prin­ciple of dry carbo­niza­tion. For that purpose, the input mate­rial (at least 65% dry matter content) is not inci­ne­rated, but first degassed at a tempe­ra­ture of 500-750 °C and then, by admis­sion of a well-defined air stream, carbo­nized. The mate­rial passes through the PYREG reactor, trans­ported by conveyor screws. As this process enables users to precisely adjust treat­ment para­me­ters like tempe­ra­ture control, carbo­niza­tion time and admis­sion of primary air, the optimum quality of the final product can be achieved.

No Harmfull By-Products

As the combus­tible gas, gene­rated in the PYREG reac­tors, is comple­tely burned by the FLOX® method (flame­less oxida­tion) at a tempe­ra­ture of 1,000 °C inside a sepa­rate combus­tion chamber, thermal NOx is signi­fi­cantly avoided. The forma­tion of proble­matic subs­tances like oils or tar is suppressed as well, because the carbo­niza­tion gas is not cooled, but oxidized in the combus­tion chamber.

Inside an optional flue gas clea­ning system, harmful acid gases are absorbed by means of an alka­line flue gas scrubber, whereas vola­tile compon­ents, like mercury, are retained by char­coal filters.

Join the Carbon Sink Economy 

We have had our plant types certi­fied with EBC. This is a volun­tary industry stan­dard in Europe desi­gned to ensure harmo­nized and veri­fiable stan­dards for climate-protec­tive biochar production.

By upcy­cling plant biomasses into climate-protec­ting biochar, your produc­tion becomes climate-posi­tive. Any addi­tional CO2 storage capa­city can be sold as CO2 certi­fi­cates on the volun­tary market. Our partner, Carbon­fu­ture, is the first trading plat­form that meets the high EBC stan­dards. Here, based on our type certi­fi­ca­tion, some of our custo­mers are already listed. Become part of this pionee­ring carbon sink industry!


Addi­tional information


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