17. June 2021
Henriette zu Doha
Biochar | CCS | Co2-Footprint

People prefer ‘natural’ stra­te­gies to reduce atmo­spheric carbon

The “more natural” the higher the accep­tance of a CCS method such as biochar production.

A cross-disci­pli­nary colla­bo­ra­tion at Cornell Univer­sity found that a majo­rity of the U.S. public is supportive of soil carbon storage as a climate change miti­ga­tion stra­tegy, parti­cu­larly when that and similar approa­ches are seen as “natural” strategies.

The team analyzed results from a survey of 1,222 U.S. adults who reported belie­ving in climate change at least “some­what,” to esti­mate public support for soil carbon storage and how it compares to other leading carbon dioxide removal stra­te­gies. It soli­cited respond­ents’ percep­tions of natu­ral­ness and policy support for five CO2 removal stra­te­gies: affore­sta­tion and refo­re­sta­tion; bioen­ergy plus carbon capture and storage; direct air capture; soil carbon storage; and soil carbon storage with biochar.

In the final analysis, perceived natu­ral­ness was a strong indi­cator of support for soil carbon storage as a climate change miti­ga­tion stra­tegy. Of the five CO2 removal stra­te­gies, support was highest (73%) for affore­sta­tion and refo­re­sta­tion; soil carbon storage ranked second, supported by 62% of those polled.

Cornell Univer­sity. “People prefer ‘natural’ stra­te­gies to reduce atmo­spheric carbon.” Scien­ce­Daily, 26 May 2021. <www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/05/210526185839.htm>.


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