23. February 2021
Henriette zu Doha
Sewage Sludge

Sewage sludge phos­phorus ferti­lizer regis­tered in Sweden

Scan­di­navia is a pioneer in many respects. For and with our Swedish partner and customer Skanefrö, we have now been able to register a phos­phorus ferti­lizer in Sweden. The ferti­lizer was produced on the PYREG P500KS plant in Hammenhög, near Malmö. The sewage sludge comes from the Simris­hamn sewage treat­ment plant.





  1. „Klimapositive Alternative zur Monoverbrennung in Schweinfurt aufzeigen, Machbarkeit prüfen und Leuchtturmprojekt anstreben!“ - Grüne Bamberg-Land - […] PYREG-Anlage in Schweden:https://pyreg.com/phosphorus-fertilizer-registered-sweden/ […]

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Biochar – a scalable solu­tion in the fight against PFAS

Biochar – a scalable solu­tion in the fight against PFAS

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