6. November 2024
Henriette zu Doha
Biochar | innovation | phosphorus fertilizer | Sewage Sludge | Waste

PYREG is heading “Down Under” with Carbo­ni­sa­tion Systems for Sydney Water to recycle Sludge in a closed Loop

North West Hub Alli­ance and PYREG sign Supply Contract to deploy Carbo­ni­sa­tion Systems for the North West Hub Alliance’s River­stone (Sydney Water WRRF) Project 


Expan­ding water resource reco­very infra­struc­ture for Sydney’s growing northwest region

Sydney, Dörth, November 07, 2024: The North West Hub Alli­ance (the Alli­ance) – a colla­bo­ra­tion between John Holland, KBR and Stantec – and PYREG are working toge­ther on a major project with Sydney Water to increase the city’s waste­water treat­ment capa­city at the River­stone Water Resource Reco­very Faci­lity (WRRF).

The Alli­ance is deli­ve­ring the North West Treat­ment Hub Growth Program – a brown­field treat­ment program that will begin with upgrades to the Rouse Hill and River­stone WRRFs.

The 10-year program will increase waste­water treat­ment capa­city at Sydney Water’s Water Resource Reco­very Faci­li­ties as north-west Sydney conti­nues to grow to support new homes and busi­nesses in the area.

The program will see carbo­ni­sa­tion tech­no­logy intro­duced at River­stone WRRF, a first for Sydney Water. For this purpose, the Alli­ance is purcha­sing two PX1500-S plants from PYREG. Cons­truc­tion is sche­duled to start at the end of 2024.

The PYREG carbo­ni­sa­tion tech­no­logy processes waste­water sludge into high-quality biochar, which contains valuable phos­phorus, an essen­tial nutrient for plant growth. This process offers commu­ni­ties in North West Sydney a solu­tion that contri­butes to a circular economy with the poten­tial to reuse the phos­phorus-rich biochar in indus­tries inclu­ding agri­cul­ture and construction.

Sydney Water – River­stone Water Resource Reco­very Faci­lity (WRRF)

Since 2015, PYREG has been instal­ling its scalable biochar produc­tion systems at waste­water treat­ment plants throug­hout Germany, the Czech Repu­blic, Sweden and the United States. This project is the first of its kind in Australia; with this project, PYREG is now ente­ring its fourth continent.

Rob Evans, Execu­tive General Manager – Infra­struc­ture at John Holland, said John Holland is proud to be at the fore­front of inno­va­tion in the water industry: “Thanks to an inno­va­tive solu­tion, we are not only incre­asing the capa­city of the waste­water network in Sydney’s North West, but also impro­ving envi­ron­mental and sustaina­bi­lity outcomes. We know this is an important piece of infra­struc­ture that will leave a lasting legacy.”

Jörg zu Dohna, CEO of PYREG, said: “Sydney Water is crea­ting the world’s largest and most advanced sewage sludge pyro­lysis plant with the River­stone project and we are proud to have been awarded the project follo­wing a global selec­tion process. PYREG is now coming to Australia and we will put down roots there!

Robert Kovach, CSO of PYREG, added: “The PX 1500-S plant is desi­gned for custo­mers who are looking for a reliable, sustainable and profi­table solu­tion for sewage sludge. We are pleased to contri­bute with our tech­no­logy to John Holland’s approach to signi­fi­cantly reduce disposal costs and ensure envi­ron­mental compliance.”

For more infor­ma­tion, click here


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