26. September 2024
Henriette zu Doha

PYREG part­ners with dMRV industry leaders Carbon­fu­ture and Mangrove Systems

At Climate Week in New York, PYREG announced this part­ner­ship as an essen­tial part of compre­hen­sive support services to acce­le­rate Biochar Carbon Removal Project Development.

PYREG laun­ches a new consul­ting and imple­men­ta­tion service desi­gned to assist biochar project deve­lo­pers from concept to completion.To this end, PYREG has forged stra­tegic part­ner­ships with industry leaders in digital moni­to­ring, reporting, and veri­fi­ca­tion (dMRV), Carbon­fu­ture, and Mangrove Systems, ensu­ring that deve­lo­pers can access cutting-edge tools and trans­pa­rent reporting throug­hout their project lifecycle.
The new suite of services, inclu­ding tail­ored engi­nee­ring studies, expert consul­ta­tions, project finance struc­tu­ring, and compre­hen­sive biochar carbon removal (BCR) credit sales and manage­ment, is desi­gned to guide deve­lo­pers through the tech­nical and finan­cial comple­xity of biochar projects.
By faci­li­ta­ting the mone­tiza­tion of carbon credits and lever­aging an expan­ding network of specia­lized inves­tors, PYREG plays a crucial role in secu­ring funding and acce­le­ra­ting the realiza­tion of sustainable biochar initiatives.
“PYREG’s new services provide biochar project deve­lo­pers with the tools, part­ner­ships, and finan­cial solu­tions they need to thrive in a rapidly evol­ving industry,” said Jan Cihlar, VP Climate Finance at PYREG. “Our focus is on making the entire process easier and more effec­tive, from engi­nee­ring and funding to the sale of carbon credits, while massi­vely enhan­cing the trans­pa­rency of the whole supply chain to the credit buyers.”
PYREG’s stra­tegic focus on enhan­cing trans­pa­rency and digi­tiza­tion is a top prio­rity for streng­thening and expan­ding the BCR market. Through its new stra­tegic part­ner­ships with Carbon­fu­ture and Mangrove Systems, PYREG has deve­loped a system that enables digital tracking of feedstock and biochar from produc­tion to end-use appli­ca­tion, while inte­gra­ting live data from more than 200 sensors on PYREG machines into biochar carbon removal proto­cols. Once imple­mented, this advance­ment could set new stan­dards for high-tech biochar carbon removal and help diffe­ren­tiate between varying quali­ties of biochar projects.


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Arizona, here we come!

Arizona, here we come!

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