General Terms and Conditions

General Terms and Condi­tions of Sale and Delivery

I. Scope of Appli­ca­tion, General Terms
1. The follo­wing General Terms and Condi­tions of Sale and Deli­very (GTC) apply exclu­si­vely to all deli­veries and services of PYREG GmbH (PYREG) with its clients.
2. Devia­ting or conflic­ting General Terms and Condi­tions of the client only become part of the contract if and to the extent that PYREG has approved their appli­ca­tion expressly and in writing.
3. These General Terms and Condi­tions, as well as the requi­re­ment of express consent mentioned above, also apply to all future busi­ness tran­sac­tions between PYREG and the client, as well as in cases where PYREG without reser­va­tion performs a deli­very or service to the client in the know­ledge of devia­ting or conflic­ting general terms and condi­tions.
4. Indi­vi­dual agree­ments made with a client on a case-by-case basis (inclu­ding subsi­diary agree­ments, adden­dums, and amend­ments) take prece­dence over these GTC. Subject to evidence to the contrary, the content of such agree­ments is governed either by a contract or confir­ma­tion from PYREG in text form.
5. Mate­rial decla­ra­tions and noti­fi­ca­tions, addressed to PYREG by the client to PYREG after conclu­sion of the contract (e.g., dead­lines, noti­fi­ca­tion of defects, decla­ra­tion of revo­ca­tion of contract or reduc­tion of price) must always be made in writing in order to become legally valid.
6. Refe­rences to the vali­dity of statu­tory provi­sions are provided only for clari­fi­ca­tion. Gene­rally, statu­tory provi­sions apply even in the absence of such clari­fi­ca­tion, unless they have been directly amended or expressly excluded by provi­sions of these GTC.
7. If PYREG is to provide further services, such as repair or main­ten­ance, to the client, the corre­spon­ding general terms and condi­tions for these further services apply in addi­tion and super­sede these GTC.

II. Conclu­sion of Contract and Scope of Deli­very and Service
1. All offers made by PYREG are non-binding and subject to change without notice unless they are expressly deemed binding or contain a fixed period of time for accep­tance.
2. PYREG may accept orders or enga­ge­ments within four­teen days of receipt, unless the respec­tive offer expli­citly provides other­wise.
3. Unless other­wise agreed, a contract is concluded either upon written confir­ma­tion of the order by PYREG or upon perfor­mance / execu­tion of the order by PYREG. The scope of deli­very and services are deter­mined by the infor­ma­tion provided by PYREG in the order confir­ma­tion.
4. Infor­ma­tion provided by PYREG on the goods and perfor­mance (e.g. weights, dimen­sions, utility values, load-bearing capa­city, tole­rances and tech­nical data) as well as repre­sen­ta­tions thereof (e.g. drawings and illus­tra­tions) are prima­rily for illus­tra­tive purposes only. Ordi­nary or insi­gni­fi­cant devia­tions and devia­tions that occur due to legal regu­la­tions or repre­sent tech­nical impro­ve­ments, as well as the repla­ce­ment of compon­ents with equi­va­lent parts shall not consti­tute a mate­rial defect insofar as they do not impair the usabi­lity for the contrac­tually intended purpose.
III. Prices and Terms of Payment
1. The prices for the scope of deli­very and/or services speci­fied in the order confir­ma­tions are, unless expli­citly agreed other­wise, „ex works“ (EXW), Dörth, Germany, accor­ding to INCO­TERMS 2020, inclu­ding loading at the factory and stan­dard pack­a­ging, but exclu­ding trans­port, unloa­ding, assembly and commis­sio­ning. Addi­tional or special services will be charged sepa­ra­tely.
2. The statu­tory value added tax (VAT) is not included in the prices; it will be added in the respec­tive statu­tory amount on the day of billing and shown sepa­ra­tely on the invoice.
3. Unless other­wise agreed, the invoice amount is to be paid within four­teen days after receipt of the corre­spon­ding invoice. The date of PYREG‘s receipt is decisive for the date of payment. The contract price is to be paid without deduc­tions or charges to PYREG‘s bank account indi­cated in the invoice, or to the paying agent desi­gnated
4. Checks are only considered as payment after they have been tendered and the respec­tive amount has been uncon­di­tio­nally credited to PYREG’s bank account.
5. In the event of delay in payment of the client, PYREG is entitled to charge the legal rate of inte­rest on overdue payments. Further claims for damages remain unaf­fected. 6. The client is only entitled to offset payments in the case of coun­ter­claims that are legally confirmed, undis­puted, or reco­gnized by PYREG.
7. The client can only exer­cise reten­tion rights if the coun­ter­claim is based on the same contrac­tual rela­ti­onship.
8. In the event of payment delays regar­ding any inst­al­ment of the client, PYREG reserves the right to inter­rupt work on the contrac­tual services until the outstan­ding claims have been enti­rely settled.
9. PYREG is entitled to perform or render outstan­ding deli­veries and/or services against advance payment or provi­sion of secu­rity only if, after conclu­sion of the contract, it becomes aware of circum­s­tances which are likely to substan­ti­ally reduce the credit­wort­hi­ness of the client, and which may endanger payment of PYREG’s outstan­ding claims under the respec­tive contrac­tual relationship.

IV. Deli­very Date, Delay in Deli­very
1. Unless other­wise agreed, the deli­very period results from the parties‘ contrac­tual agree­ment as speci­fied in the order confir­ma­tion.
2. PYREG’s compli­ance with the deli­very obli­ga­tion presup­poses that all commer­cial and tech­nical ques­tions have been resolved, and that the client has fulfilled all of its obli­ga­tions, such as provi­ding the neces­sary offi­cial certi­fi­cates or permits and/or punc­tual sett­le­ment of the agreed payments. If this is not the case, the deli­very time shall be extended accor­dingly. Due to produc­tion-related processes and capa­city plan­ning, any delay of the client may result in a longer adjourn­ment of the deli­very date than the mere delay period.
3. No. 2 of this section does not apply if PYREG is respon­sible for the delay. PYREG shall inform its clients as soon as possible of any delays that become appa­rent.
4. Any agreed deli­very date shall have been complied with, if the goods have been dispatched by its expiry, or if their readi­ness for dispatch has been commu­ni­cated.
5. PYREG is not liable for impos­si­bi­lity of deli­very, or for delays in deli­very caused by force majeure or other events not fore­seeable at the time of conclu­sion of the contract for which PYREG is not respon­sible (e.g., disrup­tions of opera­tions of any kind, diffi­cul­ties in procu­ring mate­rials or energy, trans­port delays, strikes, lawful lock­outs, shortages of labor, energy or raw mate­rials, floo­ding, fire, epide­mics, diffi­cul­ties in procu­ring neces­sary offi­cial permits, offi­cial inter­ven­tions, or the failure of suppliers to deliver correctly or on time).
6. If such events mentioned in No. 5 of this Section make it substan­ti­ally more diffi­cult or impos­sible for PYREG to deliver and/or perform, and if the impe­di­ment is not only tempo­rary, PYREG may revoke the contract.
7. In the event of tempo­rary impe­di­ments, the deli­very or perfor­mance periods shall be extended or post­poned by the period of the hindrance plus a reasonable run-up period. This also applies to impe­di­ments affec­ting subcon­trac­tors.
8. PYREG shall inform the client as soon as possible of the begin­ning and end of such impe­di­ments.
9. Insofar as the client, as a result of the delay, cannot reason­ably be expected to accept the deli­very or service, it may revoke the contract by imme­diate written decla­ra­tion to PYREG. Upon PYREG’s request, the client is, within a reasonable period of time, obliged to declare whether it intends to revoke the contract due to the delay in deli­very or whether intends to adhere to the agreed deli­very.
10. Any event of default of PYREG shall be deter­mined in accordance with the statu­tory provi­sions. In any case, any default requires a prior written reminder by the client. 11. In the event of default of accep­tance or other culpable brea­ches of coope­ra­tion duties on the part of the client, PYREG is entitled to compen­sa­tion for the resul­ting damage, inclu­ding any addi­tional expen­dit­ures. PYREG reserves the right to assert further claims.
12. If the dispatch or handover of the contrac­tual goods is delayed for reasons for which the client is respon­sible, the client will be charged for the costs incurred as a result of the delay, starting one month after noti­fi­ca­tion that the items are ready for dispatch/handover.
a. In parti­cular, the client is obli­gated to pay a compen­sa­tion fee for the storage and preser­va­tion of the contrac­tual items as reim­bur­se­ment of expenses.
b. The compen­sa­tion fee amounts to 0.5% of the net invoice amount per commenced month, however, not more than 5% in total, unless the client can prove that PYREG has incurred no or substan­ti­ally lower storage costs.
13. The client may revoke the contract without fixa­tion of a period of time if, prior to the passing of risk, the entire perfor­mance becomes finally and defi­ni­tively impos­sible for PYREG.
14. The client may also revoke the contract if the perfor­mance of an order becomes parti­ally impos­sible and the client has a justi­fied inte­rest in refu­sing a partial deli­very. 15. If this is not the case, the client is obli­gated to pay the contract price corre­spon­ding to the partial deli­very.
16. The provi­sions of No. 14 to 16 of this Section apply accor­dingly in the event of PYREG’s inabi­lity to perform.
17. Section VIII. applies in all other respects.
18. If the impos­si­bi­lity or inabi­lity to perform occurs during the client’s default of accep­tance, or if the client is solely or predo­mi­nantly respon­sible for these circum­s­tances, the client remains obliged to perform its duties.

V. Passing of Risk and Accep­tance
1. The passing of risk shall occur in accordance with the agreed clause of the INCO­TERMS 2020. Unless a devia­ting clause has been expli­citly agreed upon, “ex works” (EXW), Dörth, Germany, applies in accordance with Section III. No. 1.
2. The risk of acci­dental loss or acci­dental dete­rio­ra­tion of the contrac­tual goods also passes to the client at the time of the default of accep­tance or of the other breach of coope­ra­tion duties. If ship­ment is delayed or stopped due to circum­s­tances for which PYREG is not respon­sible, the risk shall pass to the client on the day he is noti­fied that the ship­ment is ready.
3. If the client requests in writing, PYREG will take out a trans­port insu­rance; the client carries the related incurred costs in such case.
4. In the event of a non-substan­tial defect, the client may not refuse accep­tance of the contrac­tual goods or services.
5. PYREG is entitled to make partial deli­veries, if
a. the partial deli­very is usable for the client for its contrac­tually intended purpose,
b. it has ensured the deli­very of the remai­ning contrac­tual items and
c. the client does not incur signi­fi­cant addi­tional expenses or costs as a result thereof, unless PYREG agrees to carry such costs.

VI. Reser­va­tion of Title
1. PYREG reserves title to the contrac­tual items (herein­after referred to as “Reserved Goods” in Section VI.) until full receipt of all payments under the concluded contract and the ongoing busi­ness rela­ti­onship with the client (secured claims).
2. PYREG is entitled to insure the Reserved Goods against theft, breakage, fire, water, and other damage, at the client’s expense, unless the client can prove that it has insured the goods itself.
3. Before full payment of the secured claims, the client may not transfer property of, pledge as secu­rity or assign the Reserved Goods to third parties.

4. The client is obliged to notify PYREG without delay if and to the extent that third parties seize the Reserved Goods or the Reserved Goods are other­wise endan­gered from a legal or physical perspec­tive.
5. In the event of a breach of contract by the client, in parti­cular in the event of payment defaults, PYREG shall be entitled to take back the goods and addi­tio­nally decide whether to avoid the contract after fruit­less expiry of a reasonable time limit; the statu­tory provi­sions on the dispensa­bi­lity of setting a time limit shall remain unaf­fected. The client shall be obliged to surrender the goods.
6. The taking back or asser­tion of the reser­va­tion of title or the seizure of the reserved goods by PYREG shall not consti­tute an avoid­ance of the contract, unless PYREG has expressly declared this.
7. After taking back the Reserved Goods, PYREG shall be entitled to sell them on the open market, taking due account of the client’ inte­rests. The proceeds of such sale shall be credited against the client’s liabi­li­ties; PYREG is entitled to deduct reasonable costs of sale.
8. Unless PYREG unila­te­rally revokes such right, the client is entitled to resell the Reserved Goods in the ordi­nary course of busi­ness. In this case, however, the client hereby assigns PYREG all claims resul­ting from the resale, irre­spec­tive of whether the resale takes place before or after any proces­sing, mixing, or combi­ning of the Reserved Goods. Notwi­th­stan­ding PYREG’s autho­rity to collect the claim itself and unless PYREG unila­te­rally revokes such right, the client remains autho­rized to collect the claim after assign­ment. PYREG will not collect the claim as long and insofar no event described in No. 9 below has occurred.
9. In the event of good cause, in parti­cular payment default, cessa­tion of payment, opening of insol­vency procee­dings, protest of a bill of exch­ange or reasonable indi­ca­tions of over-indeb­ted­ness or immi­nent insol­vency of the client, PYREG shall be entitled to revoke the client’s autho­riza­tion to collect any claims resul­ting from the resale of the Reserved Goods. In addi­tion, PYREG may, after prior warning and obser­vance of a reasonable period of time, disc­lose the assign­ment, realize the assi­gned claims as well as demand disclo­sure of the assign­ment by the client to its custo­mers.
10. To the extent that the realizable value of above-mentioned secu­ri­ties exceeds the secured claims by more than 10%, PYREG is obli­gated to release the excee­ding secu­ri­ties, at its discre­tion, upon the client’s request.

VII. Warranty
Exclu­ding all further claims (except for the rights described in Section VIII.) PYREG is liable for defects of quality and title as follows:
1. Mate­rial defects
1.1 Upon deli­very, the client shall inspect the deli­vered contrac­tual goods imme­dia­tely.
1.2. Obvious defects or other defects which would have been appa­rent upon imme­diate, careful inspec­tion, shall be deemed accepted by the client if PYREG does not receive a written notice of defect within seven working days after deli­very.
1.3 Regar­ding all other defects, the contrac­tual goods shall be deemed accepted by the client if the notice of defect is not received by PYREG within seven working days after the defect became appa­rent or would have become appa­rent during normal use of the goods.
1.4 PYREG shall repair or replace all parts of the contrac­tual goods, which prove to be defec­tive prior to the passing of risk, at its own expense.
1.5 Replaced parts become property of PYREG upon their removal.
1.6 At the request of PYREG, the client is obliged to send back the defec­tive parts of the contrac­tual goods.
1.7 Unless caused by culpable conduct of PYREG, PYREG is not liable for defects resul­ting from, inter alia, the follo­wing circum­s­tances:
a) unsui­table or improper use of the contrac­tual goods;
b) non-intended use of the contrac­tual goods outside of PYREG’s tech­nical speci­fi­ca­tions;
c) incor­rect instal­la­tion or incor­rect commis­sio­ning by the client;
d) none or improper regular main­ten­ance and clea­ning in accordance with PYREG’s speci­fi­ca­tions;
e) instal­la­tion of other than original spare parts;
f) usual wear and tear;
g) incor­rect or negli­gent hand­ling;
h) use of unsui­table fuels, lubri­cants, opera­ting mate­rials;
i) use with incor­rect elec­trical voltage;
j) conta­mi­nated pipes;
k) conse­quences of incor­rect calcu­la­tions or infor­ma­tion by the client.
1.8 If the client or a third party carries out improper repairs, PYREG is not liable for the resul­ting conse­quences. The same applies to changes made to the contrac­tual goods without PYREG’s prior consent.
1.9 Further­more, PYREG is not liable for the assembly of indi­vi­dual parts which were deli­vered sepa­ra­tely, unless PYREG’s the client has expli­citly engaged PYREG’s personnel for such services and the personnel has culpably damaged the contrac­tual items in the process.
1.10 After prior consul­ta­tion with PYREG, the client shall grant PYREG the time and oppor­tu­nity it requests as neces­sary to carry out all repairs and repla­ce­ments.
1.11 The client is only entitled to remedy the defect itself or have the defect reme­died by third parties in urgent cases, where safety or opera­bi­lity are at risk, or where there is a risk of substan­tial damage. The client is then entitled to compen­sa­tion from PYREG for the neces­sary expenses; PYREG shall be informed of such cases in writing and without delay.
1.12 Regar­ding the direct costs for subse­quent perfor­mance (repair or subse­quent deli­very), PYREG shall bear the costs of the repla­ce­ment parts and ship­ping if the claim proves to be justi­fied.
1.13 PYREG shall also bear the costs of repla­ce­ment and instal­la­tion, as well as the costs neces­sary to employ tech­ni­cians or auxi­liary personnel, inclu­ding their travel expenses, unless this causes unre­asonable diffi­cul­ties or expenses for PYREG.
1.14 The client’s claims for expenses incurred due to subse­quent perfor­mance, in parti­cular trans­port, travel, labor and mate­rial costs, are excluded to the extent that expenses increase because the deli­vered goods have subse­quently been brought to another loca­tion than the client‘s place of busi­ness, unless doing so complies with their intended use.
1.15 The client has the right to avoid the contract under the prere­qui­sites and to the extent stipu­lated by the statu­tory provi­sions, if the client fixes a reasonable period of time for repair or repla­ce­ment due to a mate­rial defect, and PYREG allows this period to expire fruit­lessly.
1.16 In cases of insi­gni­fi­cant defects, the client is entitled to a reduc­tion of the contract price only. The right to reduce the contract price is other­wise excluded.
1.17 In the event that defects arise in compon­ents of other manu­fac­tu­rers, which PYREG cannot remedy due to licen­sing or prac­tical reasons, PYREG may assign its warranty claims against such manu­fac­tu­rers and suppliers to the client. In the event of such defects, warranty claims against PYREG exist only under the further condi­tions and in accordance with these GTC and only if the judi­cial enforce­ment of these claims against the manu­fac­turer and supplier has been unsuc­cessful or is impro­bable, for example due to insol­vency. In this regard, PYREG’s liabi­lity is only secon­dary. For the dura­tion of the legal dispute, the limi­ta­tion period for the rele­vant warranty claims of the client against PYREG is suspended.
1.18 The client’s right of recourse against PYREG pursuant to Section 478 of the German Civil Code (Recourse of the entre­pre­neur) exists only to the extent that the client has not entered any agree­ments with its own customer which exceed the statu­tory claims for defects.
1.19 All further claims are subject to the provi­sions of Section VIII. of these GTC.
1.20 PYREG is entitled to claim reim­bur­se­ment of the incurred costs and expenses from the client, if the defect alleged by the client proves to be non-exis­tent or PYREG is not respon­sible for such defect.
2. Legal Defects
2.1 In the event that the contrac­tual goods infringe an indus­trial property right and/or a copy­right of a third party, PYREG shall, at its option and at its expense, modify or replace the contrac­tual items in such a way that rights of third parties are no longer infringed and the contrac­tual items continue to fulfil the contrac­tually agreed func­tions, or, by way of license agree­ment, grant the client a license to use. If PYREG fails to do so under econo­mic­ally reasonable condi­tions or within a reasonable period of time, the client is entitled to avoid the contract or to reason­ably reduce the purchase price if this amounts to a mate­rial non-confor­mity of the goods. Any claims for damages of the client are subject to the limi­ta­tions of Section VIII.
2.2 Further­more, PYREG shall release the client from undis­puted or legally estab­lished claims of the owners of indus­trial property rights and/or copy­rights in cases described in No. 2.1 above.
2.3 Subject to Section VIII. 2, in the event of infrin­ge­ment of indus­trial property rights and/or copy­rights, PYREG’s obli­ga­tions set forth in Section VII. 2. are conclu­sive.
2.4 The obli­ga­tions referred to in Section VII. 2. only exist if
– the client informs PYREG of alleged infrin­ge­ments of indus­trial property rights without delay;
– the client supports PYREG in defen­ding the asserted claims to a reasonable extent and/or enables PYREG to carry out the modi­fi­ca­tion measures pursuant to Section VII. 2.1;
– the client has provided PYREG with copies of any commu­ni­ca­tions, notices or other actions taken in connec­tion with the alleged infrin­ge­ment;
– the legal defect did not result from any instruc­tions and/or design speci­fi­ca­tions of the client;
– the legal infrin­ge­ment was not caused by the client’s unaut­ho­rized modi­fi­ca­tion or use of the contrac­tual items in a manner not in accordance with the contract.

VIII. Liabi­lity
1. If the contrac­tual goods cannot be used by the client in accordance with the contract as a result of culpably omitted or improper advice by PYREG before or after conclu­sion of the contract, or as a result of culpable viola­tion of other contrac­tual colla­teral obli­ga­tions – in parti­cular opera­tion and main­tainance instruc­tions for the deli­vered goods – the provi­sions of Sections VII. and VIII. 2. apply. Further claims of the client are excluded.
2. Claims for damages by the client – whether due to a mate­rial defect or other circum­s­tances, irre­spec­tive of the legal grounds – only exist in the follo­wing cases:
a. for an inten­tional breach of duty by PYREG;
b. for gross negli­gence on the part of the owner / the execu­tives or offi­cers of PYREG;
c. for culpable injury to life, body, and health;
d. for defects which PYREG has frau­du­lently with­held;
e. if a guarantee for the quality or the successful perfor­mance or a procu­re­ment risk has been assumed by PYREG;
f. accor­ding to the Product Liabi­lity Act and accor­ding to other manda­tory legal provi­sions.
3. In the event of a culpable and not insi­gni­fi­cant breach of mate­rial contrac­tual obli­ga­tions (so-called cardinal obli­ga­tions), PYREG is also liable for the gross negli­gence of its non-execu­tive employees. In the event of slight negli­gence in the latter case, PYREG’s liabi­lity is limited to reason­ably fore­seeable damages that are typical for the contract. Contrac­tual obli­ga­tions are mate­rial if their fulfilment is essen­tial to the proper perfor­mance of the contract and on if the client may regu­larly rely on their obser­vance.
4. Further claims are excluded.


IX. Limi­ta­tion Period for Claims
1. Subject to the follo­wing provi­sion, the limi­ta­tion period for all claims of the client – on whatever legal grounds – shall be 12 months after the passing of risk.
2. However, claims for damages pursuant to Section VIII. 2 a-d and f are subject to the statu­tory limi­ta­tion periods. They also apply to defects in a buil­ding or to contrac­tual items which have been used for a buil­ding in accordance with their custo­mary use and have caused its defectiveness.

X. Intellec­tual Property
1. The client is entitled to use all docu­ments or other infor­ma­tion, which contain indus­trial property rights and/or copy­rights and have been trans­mitted by PYREG, solely for the purpose of opera­tion or main­ten­ance of the contrac­tual goods.
2. The client is not entitled to disc­lose such docu­ments or infor­ma­tion to third parties and may not use them for any other purpose, such as for repro­duc­tion of the contrac­tual goods (or parts thereof), or recon­s­truc­tion and/or manu­fac­ture of compon­ents, equip­ment, or parts.
3. PYREG reserves the title and copy­right to illus­tra­tions, drawings, calcu­la­tions, and other docu­ments; they may not be made acces­sible to third parties. This applies in parti­cular to written docu­ments which are deemed confi­den­tial; the client is required to obtain the express written consent of PYREG prior to their disclo­sure to third parties. If the parties do not enter into a contract, all docu­ments must be returned to PYREG without delay and upon PYREG‘s request.
4. PYREG shall not make any docu­ments provided by the client available to third parties without the client‘s express written consent, where such docu­ments have been desi­gnated as confi­den­tial.
5. The client’s confi­den­tia­lity obli­ga­tions remain in effect after the end of the contract.
6. Final custo­mers of the contrac­tual goods, legal or tax advi­sors and persons who use the goods in accordance with the contract are expressly not considered third parties in the sense of No. 2 of this Section.

XI. Soft­ware
1. If soft­ware is included in the deli­very, the client is granted a non-exclu­sive, tempo­rally unrest­ricted right to use the deli­vered soft­ware, inclu­ding its docu­men­ta­tion, upon full payment for the contrac­tual items.
2. The soft­ware is provided to be used with the contrac­tual goods that were intended for this purpose. Use of the soft­ware on more than one system is prohi­bited.
3. The client may copy, revise, trans­late or convert the soft­ware from the object code into the source code only to the extent permitted by law (curr­ently accor­ding to Sections 69a ff. German Copy­right Act). The client shall refrain from remo­ving the manufacturer’s details, copy­right notices, serial numbers or other features which allow program iden­ti­fi­ca­tion or to modify them without the prior express consent of PYREG.
4. All other rights to the soft­ware and the docu­men­ta­tion, inclu­ding copies, remain with PYREG or the soft­ware supplier. Under no circum­s­tances does the client have the right to lease or other­wise subli­cense the soft­ware, to publicly repro­duce or make it available by wired or wire­less means, or to make it available to third parties – except for end clients or persons using the contrac­tual goods in accordance with the provi­sions of the contract – whether in exch­ange for payment or free of charge.

XII. Final Provi­sions
1. The place of perfor­mance is Dörth, Germany, unless the rele­vant manu­fac­tu­ring plant is expressly stated as the place of perfor­mance in the order confir­ma­tion.
2. These GTC and all legal rela­tions between PYREG and the client are governed by the laws of the Federal Repu­blic of Germany; appli­ca­tion of inter­na­tional uniform law, in parti­cular the UN Conven­tion on Contracts for the Inter­na­tional Sale of Goods, is excluded.
3. Should any provi­sion of these GTC be comple­tely or parti­ally invalid or unen­forceable or subse­quently become invalid or enforceable, the vali­dity of the remai­ning provi­sions of these GTC remains unaf­fected.
4. The exclu­sive court of juris­dic­tion for all disputes arising directly or indi­rectly from the contrac­tual rela­ti­onship, is PYREG’s place of busi­ness in Dörth, Germany. PYREG is, however, entitled to bring an action at the general court of juris­dic­tion of the client.

Dörth, Sep. 29, 2021