10. July 2021
Henriette zu Doha
Biochar | EBC | Pyrolysis

The Euro­pean Biochar Certi­fi­cate (EBC): A proven volun­tary industry standard

PYREG plants are EBC type-certi­fied. This is a volun­tary, uniform and veri­fiable industry stan­dard for climate-protec­ting biochar produc­tion in Europe.  With the growing sales figures in North America and Asia, we are intro­du­cing these quality stan­dards to these markets as well.

Let’s dive right into the EBC’s poli­cies to better under­stand back­ground and what they do:

“Modern pyro­lysis plants as well as certain types of farmer-scale kilns such as flame curtain pyro­lysis systems are now ready to produce biochar from a large variety of diffe­rent feedstocks in an energy effi­cient way and without harming the envi­ron­ment. As both biochar proper­ties and the envi­ron­mental foot­print of its produc­tion are largely depen­dent on the pyro­lysis para­me­ters and the type of feedstocks to be used, a secure control and assess­ment system for its produc­tion and analysis had to be introduced. (…)
The goal of the EBC guide­lines is to encou­rage and ensure the control of biochar produc­tion and quality based on well-rese­ar­ched, legally backed-up, econo­mic­ally viable and prac­ti­cally appli­cable processes. Users of biochar and biochar-based products should benefit from trans­pa­rent and veri­fiable moni­to­ring and quality assurance. (…)
In issuing these guide­lines the Ithaka Insti­tute intents to intro­duce an assess­ment mecha­nism based on the latest rese­arch and prac­tices. By requi­ring the use of this assess­ment system, the Euro­pean Biochar Certi­fi­cate (EBC) will enable and guarantee sustainable biochar produc­tion, proces­sing and sale. It is intro­duced to provide custo­mers with a reliable quality stan­dard, while giving produ­cers the oppor­tu­nity to prove that their products meet well-defined and reco­gnized quality stan­dards. It further aims to provide a firm state-of-the-art know­ledge transfer as a sound basis for future legis­la­tion (e.g. EU ferti­lizer regu­la­tions or carbon-sink regulations).
Curr­ently, the Euro­pean Biochar Certi­fi­cate is a volun­tary industry stan­dard in Europe. In Switz­er­land, however, it is obli­ga­tory for all biochar sold for use in agri­cul­ture. Several other count­ries aligned their biochar related regu­la­tions with the EBC.”

EBC (2012) ‘Euro­pean Biochar Certi­fi­cate -Guide­lines for a Sustainable Produc­tion of Biochar.’ Euro­pean Biochar Foun­da­tion (EBC), Arbaz, Switz­er­land. (http://european-biochar.org). Version 9.3E of 11thApril2021




  1. PYREG wins the prestigious Watt d'Or award from the Swiss Federal Office of Energy. - PYREG GmbH - […] in a close tech­no­lo­gical exchange between Verora AG and PYREG and today produces high-quality EBC-certi­fied premium biochar. Verora AG…

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