14. September 2022
glow webteam
awards | Biochar | CCS | CDR | climate change | Uncategorized

We are a New Energy Chall­enge fina­list! Let`s meet at the web summit in November in Lisbon!

The compe­ti­tion for Euro­pean scale-ups & start-ups in rene­wable energy

PYREG is proud to be among the 10 remai­ning fina­lists of the New Energy Chall­enge (NEC). Jointly orga­nized by Rock­start, Shell, Unknown Group and YES!Delft, the New Energy Chall­enge is open to Euro­pean and Israeli start-ups and scale-ups. The winning compa­nies will be given the oppor­tu­nity to connect with inves­tors and experts, unlo­cking the know­ledge, cont­acts, funding, and support needed to scale their busi­ness and help them to drive change in the energy system.

This compe­ti­tion is based on the premise that energy tran­si­tion is an essen­tial step to beco­ming sustainable – not only in terms of saving our climate, but also in terms of  short- and medium- term economic health. This is where the PYREG busi­ness model comes into focus, as we offer rene­wable energy, through the carbo­niza­tion of biogenic resi­dues into CO2 captu­ring biochar (a proven Carbon Dioxide Removal  (CDR) solution).

In summary, PYREG NetZero Tech­no­logy provides solu­tions for three critical problem areas:
1. The recy­cling of waste problem (we enable waste-to-value / circular economy projects)
2. The green­house gas emis­sions problem (our Systems remove CO2 via biochar production)
3. The energy depen­dency problem (our Systems gene­rate clean, rene­wable energy)

Moreover, PYREG NetZero Tech­no­logy is aligned with the core objec­tives of the New Energy Chall­enge indi­cated below, as we provide proven, scalable and cost-effec­tive carbo­niza­tion Systems:

“Carbon capture, storage and utili­sa­tion are often considered too costly and inef­fi­cient to be used at scale, but scien­tific and tech­no­lo­gical inno­va­tions are rapidly chan­ging this. By working toge­ther to develop and scale affordable and effi­cient carbon reduc­tion, capture, and utili­sa­tion tech­no­lo­gies, we can help all indus­tries to meet their climate targets, create more circular econo­mies and keep the planet’s warming within safe limits.” – NEC 

Many thanks to the excee­dingly profes­sional prepa­ra­tion of the NEC Finals, supported by an outstan­ding and inspi­ring mento­ring program. From a diverse team of mentors, span­ning nume­rous industry segments, we have received valuable busi­ness advice!

Out of all the start-ups and scale-ups that applied earlier this year, the Top 20 entries were selected, based on the quality and poten­tial of their busi­ness model, inno­va­tive tech­no­lo­gies and digital solu­tions. In November, the ten fina­lists will pitch face-to-face in front of a selected jury of experts, on November 2nd, at the websummit in Lisbon, “the world’s premier tech confe­rence”. Then, on November 3rd, the jury will select the winners of the New Energy Chall­enge 2022.


1 Comment

  1. i went thro your presentation.
    As a civil & envi­ron­mental engi­neer with long expe­ri­ences in energy & waste disposal I see your break thro is highly innovative.
    Your products are needed in Asia & third world.
    Congra­dul­taions & inspi­ra­tion to have your publi­ca­tions readable on the web

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