26. November 2023
Henriette zu Doha
carbon credits | CDR | events | net-zero | Pflanzenkohle

Join our virtual expert panel on Wednesday, December 13th from 14:00-15:00

Get the latest insights on the volun­tary carbon market and learn more about an inno­va­tive finan­cing approach to acce­le­rate biochar carbon removals!

In the first half of December, the inter­na­tional climate commu­nity will meet in Dubai at COP 28 to discuss how to (still) meet the Paris Agree­ment. One essen­tial solu­tion are CO2 removal tech­no­lo­gies to gene­rate nega­tive emissions.

Not all removals are equal – they differ in perma­nence, co-bene­fits and cost. Biochar offers high perma­nence, compe­ti­tive costs and multiple co-bene­fits (e.g. waste reduc­tion, rene­wable energy, sustainable farming).

To acce­le­rate the scale-up of removals, robust and trans­pa­rent volun­tary carbon markets  as well as inno­va­tive finan­cing solu­tions are decisive.


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