5. Juli 2023
Henriette zu Doha
Pflanzenkohle | carbon credits | CDR | technology | Unkategorisiert

puro.earth & PYREG empower biochar suppliers to mone­tize their carbon removal activities

We are thrilled to be reco­gnized as the first tech­no­logy partner of Puro.earth, the world’s leading crediting plat­form for engi­neered carbon removal.

Our high-tech carbo­niza­tion machines (50+ in the global market) have gained industry reco­gni­tion for their ability to produce high-quality biochar that meets the strin­gent eligi­bi­lity requi­re­ments set by the Puro Stan­dard for CO₂ Removal Certi­fi­cates (CORCs).
We are excited to offer biochar produ­cers the oppor­tu­nity to mone­tize their carbon removal opera­tions by lever­aging the credi­bi­lity and inte­grity of the Puro Stan­dard. Through their Puro Acce­le­rate program, Puro.earth further enables biochar produ­cers to secure funding for their projects in deve­lo­p­ment. Toge­ther, we aim to foster the expan­sion of carbon removal initiatives.

We look forward to colla­bo­ra­ting with Puro.earth to advance the adop­tion of biochar as a powerful solu­tion for carbon removal and the miti­ga­tion of climate change.

*Carbon removal acti­vi­ties will still need to be veri­fied before they can be issued into CORCS under the Puro Standard. 

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