5. July 2023
Henriette zu Doha
Biochar | carbon credits | CDR | technology

puro.earth & PYREG empower biochar suppliers to mone­tize their carbon removal activities

We are thrilled to be reco­gnized as the first tech­no­logy partner of Puro.earth, the world’s leading crediting plat­form for engi­neered carbon removal.

Our high-tech carbo­niza­tion machines (50+ in the global market) have gained industry reco­gni­tion for their ability to produce high-quality biochar that meets the strin­gent eligi­bi­lity requi­re­ments set by the Puro Stan­dard for CO₂ Removal Certi­fi­cates (CORCs).
We are excited to offer biochar produ­cers the oppor­tu­nity to mone­tize their carbon removal opera­tions by lever­aging the credi­bi­lity and inte­grity of the Puro Stan­dard. Through their Puro Acce­le­rate program, Puro.earth further enables biochar produ­cers to secure funding for their projects in deve­lo­p­ment. Toge­ther, we aim to foster the expan­sion of carbon removal initiatives.

We look forward to colla­bo­ra­ting with Puro.earth to advance the adop­tion of biochar as a powerful solu­tion for carbon removal and the miti­ga­tion of climate change.

*Carbon removal acti­vi­ties will still need to be veri­fied before they can be issued into CORCS under the Puro Standard. 


  1. l’m Mouk­wele, the déve­loper of Biochar project in Cameroon. First of all I want to congra­tu­late the asso­cia­tion between Puro Earth and Pyreg two game play et of CORCs market. 

    That bien said, I’m always in contact with Pyreg while we paving the way to setup our Biochar project.

    Knowing the cost of the project Can the be ways Puro Earth and Pyreg can support project developers?


  2. Dear Mouk­wele, thank you for your comment and ques­tion. Our sales team can be reached via the email address sales@pyreg.com and will be happy to answer your ques­tion. Best Regards!

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