15. Dezember 2022
Henriette zu Doha
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PYREG joins the Coali­tion to Restore the Climate

PYREG has joined the Carbon Busi­ness Council (CO2BC), a nonprofit trade asso­cia­tion of more than 65 leading carbon manage­ment startups focused on remo­ving, utili­zing, and mana­ging carbon dioxide.

“As a Euro­pean Biochar and CDR Pioneer PYREG must parti­ci­pate in the CO2BC initia­tive to restore the climate! We are happy to be there and to add our voice“, Jörg zu Dohna, CEO, PYREG.

“From the prin­ting press to peni­cillin, entre­pre­neurs have a history of approa­ching chal­lenges with a problem-solving set of eyes. Because rever­sing climate change will require multiple solu­tions coming from both startups and poli­cy­ma­kers, it’s important to have inno­va­tors at the policy table,” said Ben Rubin, the Execu­tive Director and Co-Founder of CO2BC.

PYREG has signed the Oath to Restore the Earth, estab­li­shing an ethical stan­dard for growing the carbon manage­ment industry respon­sibly. Invo­king long stan­ding medical and legal oaths, the Oath to Restore the Earth builds alignment around a set of prin­ci­ples, inclu­ding that remo­ving emis­sions should work in tandem with miti­ga­ting them.

CO2BC is tech­no­logy neutral, in reco­gni­tion that reaching gigaton levels of carbon removal at cost-effec­tive prices will require multiple inno­va­tions in removal and manage­ment. PYREG joins a coali­tion of more than 65 inno­va­tors that repre­sent more than $100 million in combined assets. Member compa­nies bring a wealth of diver­sity to carbon manage­ment, from the range of approa­ches to geogra­phic loca­tions. Scien­tists globally have reached consensus that the world needs to remove giga­tons of carbon dioxide from the atmo­sphere in order to meet the goals of the Paris Agree­ment, working in tandem with mitigation.


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