You are a jour­na­list and want to learn more about PYREG or you need well-founded infor­ma­tion about topics you have heard about in connec­tion with PYREG? Below you will find a short presen­ta­tion of our company, current press releases as well as picture mate­rial, which you are welcome to use if you indi­cate the source “PYREG GmbH”. Should you have any further ques­tions or require further mate­rial, please do not hesi­tate to contact our Person for Press Matters.

PYREG heads “Down Under” with Carbo­ni­sa­tion Systems for Sydney Water 

November 7th, 2024

North West Hub Alli­ance and PYREG sign Supply Contract to deploy Carbo­ni­sa­tion Systems for the North West Hub Alliance’s River­stone (Sydney Water WRRF) Project 

PYREG laun­ches compre­hen­sive support services to acce­le­rate Biochar Carbon Removal Project Development 

September 26th, 2024

Stra­tegic part­ner­ships with industry leaders in digital Moni­to­ring, Reporting, and Veri­fi­ca­tion (dMRV), Carbon­fu­ture, and Mangrove Systems 

Climate tech firm A Healt­hier Earth announces plans for UK’s largest Biochar Faci­lity to remove 17,000 Tonnes of CO2 annually 

September 17th, 2024

The produc­tion faci­lity will be able to produce up to 9,000 tonnes of biochar a year, captu­ring and storing 17,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide, using PYREG’s P500, PX1500 and PX6000 Systems 

Orbital Biocarbon, PYREG Partner to Trans­form Waste­water Sludge Disposal into Regu­la­tion Compliant, Carbon Nega­tive and PFAS-Free Profit Center in the US 

April 17th, 2024

Orbital Biocarbon offers a compre­hen­sive solu­tion, secu­ring private capital to cons­truct, own and operate on-site waste­water sludge disposal faci­li­ties. Waste­water utili­ties can now bypass public debt finan­cing and opera­tional risks while reali­zing value from their waste­water sludge. 

Carbon­fu­ture,, PYREG GmbH, and SYNCRAFT unite for a ground­brea­king initia­tive to enhance trans­pa­rency in carbon­re­m­oval tracking 

January 13th, 2024

This part­ner­ship is a unique example of an ecosystem coming toge­ther to provide complete trans­pa­rency - from stan­dard-setting to credit issu­ance - buil­ding trust at every step of the carbon removal process.

PYREG enters the UK market and supplies Net Zero tech­no­logy for the Black Bull Biochar green­house gas removal project 

January 18th, 2024

Market leading Biochar Carbon Removal tech­no­logy turns wood­chip residue into CO2-binding premium biochar and produces rene­wable energy.

PYREG laun­ches climate finance solu­tion to acce­le­rate biochar carbon removal gene­ra­ting over four million carbon credits by 2040 

November 22, 2023

PYREG Climate Finance Solu­tions (PCFS) is a first of its kind solu­tion provi­ding corpo­rate buyers with high quality biochar carbon removal (BCR) credits while acce­le­ra­ting the deploy­ment of PYREG’s carbo­niza­tion systems in the agri­cul­tural sector.

PYREG and Kita announce MOU to struc­ture carbon insu­rance for world's largest biochar carbon removal project pool 

November 22, 2023

"With our PCFS project, toge­ther with Kita, we have signi­fi­cantly reduced the finan­cing risk for BCR projects for custo­mers and laid the foun­da­tions to drama­ti­cally increase the uptake of BCR tech­no­logy. Now the doors are wide open for CDR offta­kers and PYREG custo­mers to opti­mally and rapidly utilise annual biomass residue poten­tial regio­nally and contri­bute to achie­ving global climate targets by 2050.

PYREG is one of three thought leader part­ners at IBI Symposium 

October 11, 2023

With our modular, scalable tech­no­logy, we enable global biochar carbon removal to be acce­le­rated. That's why we're proud to sponsor IBI´s annual virtual sympo­sium "Scaling the Biochar Industry to Cool a Boiling Planet"

Jörg zu Dohna is a guest at the “Hope for change” Talk by ProSieben TV 

October 2nd 2023

Ground­brea­king tech­no­lo­gies that can stop climate change already exist! Entre­pre­neurs, scien­tists and jour­na­lists have their say on the Zugspitze. Their credo: There is hope. We just need to act as quickly as possible and remove poli­tical obstacles.

TV docu­men­tary by ntv: “How the CO2 absorber works” 

September 27th 2023

A clear, infor­ma­tive TV report about the climate protec­tion poten­tial of Biochar Carbon Removal and the strengths of PYREG tech­no­logy in parti­cular offe­ring climate protec­tion, circular economy and a highly profi­table busi­ness model in one.

PYREG becomes the first endorsed tech­no­logy provider by

July 27th 2023

German NetZero tech company is the first tech­no­logy provider to be endorsed by carbon crediting plat­form and Nasdaq subsi­diary

TV docu­men­tary by ZDF:“High-tech for the climate - Do smart ideas save the planet?”

April 24th 2023

The German TV docu­men­tary features the PYREG carbo­niza­tion tech­no­logy and high­lights biochar carbon removal as one of the key tech­no­lo­gies in the fight against climate change.

ARD and SWR in an inter­view with Jörg zu Dohna (CEO) about CO2 removal and green energy production

April, 18th 2023

"The mass use of this fasci­na­ting tech­no­logy would help to save the climate!". That is the conclu­ding state­ment of this feature.

t-online: "With biochar to the top of the world market"

April, 10th 2023

"They are world market leaders, but they are located where German medium-sized busi­nesses should be: in the coun­try­side. From Dörth, a village of 500 people between the Rhine and Moselle rivers, the Pyreg company has cata­pulted its name into the board­rooms of inter­na­tional corporations.

HANDELS­BLATT about PYREG: “The climate polluter CO2 as a valuable material”

March 10th 2023

The German busi­ness and finan­cial news­paper Handels­blatt takes a look at the value of carbon-based products and reports: “Compa­nies around the world are deve­lo­ping processes to capture and recycle CO2. Some tech­no­lo­gies have parti­cular potential.”

BILD: "They are making Germany better" - A BILD series at the begin­ning of the year "against the crisis frustration"

January 2nd 2022

The PYREG CDR tech­no­logy is also moving into the focus of Germany's most widely circu­lated daily news­paper via the company's manage­ment. Editor-in-chief Johannes Boie comm­ents on the BILD series launch: "Poli­ti­cians can learn from them how to move the country forward.

arte tv: "Biochar, a CO2 remover" - featuring our customer thys­sen­krupp rothe erde"

December 15th 2022

arte tv: thys­sen­krupp rothe erde produces high-quality biochar and green heat while remo­ving CO2 from the atmo­sphere - a light­house and joint project of novo­carbo and PYREG.

thys­sen­krupp rothe erde operates Germany's largest decar­bo­niza­tion plant manu­fac­tured by PYREG

November 24th 2022

thys­sen­krupp rothe erde is brea­king new ground in climate protec­tion: with a carbo­niza­tion plant that is unique in this form in Germany to date, the company is taking a major step toward redu­cing CO2 with PYREG's inno­va­tive NetZero technology.

Compre­hen­sive Solu­tion to the Climate Issue: PYREG’s NetZero Tech­no­logy Conquers the American Market

4. April 2022

PYREG GmbH, a world market leader in buil­ding high-tech plants that produce CO2-binding biochar, is foun­ding a subsi­diary company in the USA. American Robert Kovach has been named mana­ging director and will lead the newly formed subsi­diary in Port­land, Maine. He will also take on the newly created posi­tion of CSO.

German-Swiss climate pact: PYREG supplies NetZero tech­no­logy for climate-neutral district heating in Basel

January 31 , 2022

PYREG GmbH, the world's leading engi­neer and builder of carbo­niza­tion tech­no­logy for active CO2 removal, has realized the first climate-neutral district heating project in Switz­er­land with the Basel based energy service provider IWB…

Made in Germany Clean­Tech on the road to success

October 7, 2021

The PYREG GmbH, global leader in plant cons­truc­tion for the conver­sion of biomass into carbo­niza­tion products, is expan­ding its produc­tion site in Rhine­land-Pala­ti­nate, Germany, in response to an increasing …


Henri­ette zu Dohna
Press & Communications

Phone: +49 (0)6747 953 880

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