premium carbo­niza­tion tech­no­logy for a valuable busi­ness proposition

As biochar pioneer, we have been setting stan­dards in decar­bo­niza­tion and sustaina­bi­lity with our patented tech­no­logy for over a decade

The latest gene­ra­tion:
The Pyreg PX

Our plants are indi­vi­du­ally custo­mized to your needs. No matter whether 500 or 1,500 kW fuel capa­city. Each system contains compact, decen­tra­lized carbo­niza­tion tech­no­logy that can be easily inte­grated into an exis­ting infra­struc­ture and your mate­rial cycles. The biomass or sludge is not inci­ne­rated, but rather gently degassed and then carbo­nized at tempe­ra­tures between 500 and 750 °C – in an oxygen-limited process. The clean, rene­wable thermal energy from a PYREG system, provides up to 4.8 million kWh per year.

100 % effi­cient, sustainable & profitable


external energy demand



waste reduc­tion






elimi­na­tion of fine dust



rene­wable energy



advan­tages of our technology

multi-mate­rial capability

The PYREG process is suitable for a wide range of carbo­naceous inputs. Exem­plary are: Digestate, manure, dry manure, grain waste, clean-out, husks, silage waste, slaugh­ter­house waste, hay, straw, wood chips, SRC wood, green waste, fruit stones, nut shells, compost scree­nings, pomace, spent rubber, scrap tires, storm damage, wear parts, fabric/cotton, lobby waste, paper, card­board, paint resi­dues and many more.

conti­nous and safe process

  • State-of-the-art auto­ma­tion and control technology
  • Future­proof data acqui­si­tion and processing
  • > 99 % elimi­na­tion of fine dust in exhaust gas due to special process gas filter
  • Meets EU emis­sion limits


Only the PYREG process allows such precise control of the carbo­niza­tion para­me­ters; ther­e­fore, carbon products can be produced in diffe­rent quality grades, ensu­ring that raw mate­rials, such as phos­phorus, can be gently recy­cled.
At the same time, organic-based pollut­ants (such as solvents and micro­pla­s­tics) are virtually elimi­nated and mineral-based pollut­ants are filtered out at tempe­ra­tures of up to 1000°C in the combus­tion chamber. Effi­cient, climate-friendly and without harmful by-products.

varia­bi­lity in heat deli­very systems

  • Maximum varia­bi­lity in heat extra­c­tion: Hot water, steam, thermal oil
  • up to 4.8 GWhth usable rene­wable heat energy per year

Compa­ring the diffe­rent models

PYREG systems set inter­na­tional stan­dards for quality and tech­no­logy and are reco­gnized by the US Envi­ron­mental Protec­tion Agency (EPA). All system types provide the same bene­fits. They only differ in perfor­mance depen­ding on the input mate­rials and specifications.

Fuel capa­city 500 kW
Annual throughput 1.100 t OS
Annual produc­tion 300 t OS
Carbon removal potential 700 t CO₂ /a
Maximum heat output  200 kWth
Elec­tri­city consumption up to 12 kWel
Size 12 x 6 x 5 m (l, w, h)

OS = Original subs­tance. Maximum figures based on 8,000 opera­ting hours. Wood with 48% carbon content & 6% ash.

Fuel capa­city 1.500 kW
Annual throughput 3.300 t OS
Annual produc­tion 900 t OS
Carbon removal potential 2,100 t CO₂ /a
Maximum heat output  600 kWth
Elec­tri­city consumption up to 40 kWel
Size 13 x 7 x 7,8 m (l, w, h)

OS = Original subs­tance. Maximum figures based on 8,000 opera­ting hours. Wood with 48% carbon content & 6% ash.

Fuel capa­city 6.000 kW
Annual throughput 13.000 t OS
Annual produc­tion 3.600 t OS
Carbon removal potential 8.400 t CO₂ /a
Maximum heat output  2.500 kWth
Elec­tri­city consumption up to 120 kWel
Size 21 x 14 x 7.5 m (l, w, h)

OS = Original subs­tance. Maximum figures based on 8,000 opera­ting hours. Wood with 48% carbon content & 6% ash.

Fuel capa­city 500 kW (sludge)
Annual throughput 1.100 t OS
Annual produc­tion 670 t OS
Carbon removal potential 320 t CO₂ /a
Maximum heat output  200 kWth
Elec­tri­city consumption up to 16 kWel
Size 12 x 6 x 5 m (l, w, h)

OS = Original subs­tance. Maximum figures based on 7,000 opera­ting hours. Wood with 48% carbon content & 6% ash.

Fuel capa­city 1.500 kW (sludge)
Annual throughput 3.100 t OS
Annual produc­tion 1.900 t OS
Carbon removal potential 1.000 t CO₂ /a
Maximum heat output  575 kWth
Elec­tri­city consumption up to 48 kWel
Size 13 x 7 x 7,8 m (l, w, h)

OS = Original subs­tance. Maximum figures based on 7,000 opera­ting hours. Wood with 48% carbon content & 6% ash.

Scalable tech­no­logy



  • Plug-and-Play instal­la­tion, using common utility connec­tions (water, gas, electric)
  • On-site instal­la­tion within only a few days
  • Small system foot­print supports inte­gra­tion into exis­ting structures


Varia­bi­lity in heat deli­very systems:

  • Hot water (<150°)
  • Thermal oil (< 330°C)
  • Steam
  • ORC

Modular Setup

  • Fast setup and commis­sio­ning due to modular design

  • Clear assign­ment of modules as func­tional units

  • Easily inte­grated with common peri­pheral equip­ment such as: shred­ders, dryers, conveyor systems and bagging stations

State-of-the-art Auto­ma­tion

  • Future-proof data acqui­si­tion and proces­sing with Siemens IOT
  • Remote main­ten­ance and control systems for maximum opera­tional reliability

CO₂-reduc­tion that pays off

PYREG custo­mers have the oppor­tu­nity to mone­tize the carbon removal acti­vity of their biochar produc­tion on various market­places. This is because biochar is a reco­gnized carbon removal tech­no­logy that is urgently needed to meet our global climate goals. For example, the plat­form helps corpo­rate buyers create a long-term sourcing port­folio to neutra­lize their CO₂ foot­print and achieve NetZero with CO₂ removal certi­fi­cates (CORCs).


Nasdaq Copen­hagen AS or any of its affi­liates (“Nasdaq”) assumes no liabi­lity for loss or damages related to or arising out of the use of the CORC Removal Refe­rence Price Index family (the “CORC Index”). Nasdaq expressly disclaim all warran­ties of accu­racy, comple­teness, merchan­ta­bi­lity or fitness for a parti­cular purpose with respect to the CORC Index. Neither Nasdaq nor any third party make any express or implied warran­ties or repre­sen­ta­tions regar­ding the results which may be obtained as a conse­quence of the use of CORC Indexes or regar­ding the value of CORC Indexes at any given time. Nasdaq shall in no case be liable for errors or defects in CORC Indexes, nor obliged to provide notice of or other­wise publish errors in CORC Indexes

CORC Indexes is provided by Nasdaq Copen­hagen AS and shall not without Nasdaq Copen­hagen AS´s prior written consent be used:

  • As refe­rence for the issu­ance of a finan­cial instrument;
  • As refe­rence for the deter­mi­na­tion of the amount payable under a finan­cial instru­ment or a finan­cial contract;
  • As refe­rence by a party to a finan­cial contract;
  • For measu­ring the perfor­mance of an invest­ment fund, of defi­ning the asset allo­ca­tion of a port­folio, or of compu­ting the perfor­mance fees;
  • For any other purpose which may qualify Nasdaq Copen­hagen CORC as a bench­mark in accordance with regu­la­tion (EU) 2016/1011 of the Euro­pean Parlia­ment and of the Euro­pean Council on indices used as bench­marks in finan­cial instru­ments and finan­cial contracts.

World­wide service from the market leader

  • Analysis of your resi­dues and test carbo­niza­tion in the PYREG laboratory

  • Support with permit appli­ca­tions

  • Consul­ting and support regar­ding neces­sary infra­struc­ture, tech­nical inter­faces for instal­la­tion, commis­sio­ning and plant operation

  •  Super­vi­sion of instal­la­tion and assembly of all components

  • Tech­nical trai­ning and certification

  • Fast on-site service

  • state-of-the-art remote diagno­stics and remote monitoring

Our unique process is autothermal

The energy gene­rated by the carbo­niza­tion of the waste is used for conti­nuous system operation.

Marcel Rens­mann
Head of Tech­nical Sales


Would you like to learn more about our solu­tions for CO₂ reduc­tion, CO₂ certi­fi­cates, and recy­cling?
Get in touch with us.