The industry leading CO₂ removal tech­no­logy (CDR)

PROVEN, SUSTAINABLE, SCALABLE – with our CO₂ removal, not only tech­no­logy and service are premium. Our Net-Zero Tech­no­logy sets the stan­dards for decar­bo­niza­tion of tomorrow’s world. #turn­po­si­ti­venow

Remove CO₂


World­wide, we have already installed over 50 plants for our custo­mers since 2009. These PYREG systems remove more than 30,000 metric tons of CO₂ annu­ally and, with 75 GWh, cover the annual heating requi­re­ments of around 5,000 house­holds. Our tech­no­logy is considered a refe­rence by the U.S. Envi­ron­mental Protec­tion Agency and is EBC type-certi­fied (Euro­pean Biochar Certi­fi­cate).


PYREG carbo­niza­tions systems provide a circular economy solu­tion – closing the loop by recy­cling resi­dual mate­rials into high-quality biochar and rene­wable energy. If the biochar is added to a perma­nent carbon sink, e.g. in agri­cul­ture, viti­cul­ture or buil­ding mate­rials, the recy­cler can also gene­rate Carbon Credits.


PYREG carbo­niza­tion systems are rated at the highest Tech­no­logy Readi­ness Level (TRL) 9. These systems feature a modular design, enab­ling us to deliver and install them, with minimal site requi­re­ments, in just a view days. Our systems can func­tion as stand-alone units, or be combined as a multi-unit installation.


The modular design allows us to set up PYREG systems at the source of the waste stream – close to produc­tion and decen­tra­lized. This is how you can trans­form your produc­tion site, which is produ­cing organic resi­dues, into a Net-Zero-site, which is produ­cing value – no trans­port costs and preven­tion of addi­tional, trans­port-related CO₂-emissions.

In total, our 50 carbo­niza­tion systems are generating:



≈ 8.800 t



≈ 30.000 t


Phos­phate Recycling

≈ 2.400 t





PYREG systems worldwide


5 Mio.

trees replaced


75 GWh

rene­wable energy/year

Award winning tech­no­logy for climate protection

As the deve­loper and pioneer of this carbo­niza­tion tech­no­logy, we are not only the world market leader, but have also received several awards, inclu­ding: Fina­list of the New Energy Chall­enge 2022, winner of the Watt d’Or 2022, Nominee of the German Sustaina­bi­lity Award 2022 and many more.

One tech­nolgy – many solutions

valuable Biochar

Carbo­nize your resi­dual mate­rials into Biochar! This enables the perma­nent storage of CO₂. Biochar can be used as a valuable soil condi­tioner, feed addi­tive or as a compo­nent in buil­ding mate­rials, such as concrete and asphalt.

Closing mate­rial cycles

PYREG systems provide a multi mate­rial capable solu­tion – trans­forming your WASTE (woody resi­dues, rubber, plas­tics, pack­a­ging, compo­sites, food waste, sewage sludge, manure, digestates, etc.) into VALUE. PYREG enables you to close your mate­rial cycle, decar­bo­nize and drive a circular economy.

Rene­wable energy from your own resources

PYREG carbo­niza­tion systems deliver clean, rene­wable thermal energy – as either hot water/oil, steam or elec­tri­city (via ORC). This thermal energy can be used, for example, in district heating appli­ca­tions, supp­lying up to 400 house­holds per year.

CO₂-Removal and Carbon Credits

The controlled carbo­niza­tion of the biogenic resi­dues prevents a large part of the carbon contained in the biomass from esca­ping into the atmo­sphere. A PYREG plant thereby binds up to 3 t CO₂ per t biochar (with approx. 80% C-content, process-related deduc­tions accor­ding to EBC sink not yet considered). If this biochar and the CO₂ bound in it is put into a perma­nent carbon sink as a soil improver or filler, the recy­cler receives carbon credits.

How to remove CO₂ from the atmosphere


“Our vision is to co-locate biochar produc­tion at large sources of biomass feedstock (bypro­ducts from Maine’s vast working forests), thereby driving a true circular economy, through the appli­ca­tion of inno­va­tive NetZero tech­no­logy. Using a proven process, we will use these forestry bypro­ducts to produce an end product that nourishes soils, cleans water and removes carbon dioxide from the atmo­sphere, while simul­ta­neously gene­ra­ting rene­wable energy. To make this vision a reality, we have chosen PYREG as our stra­tegic partner. We are thrilled to be walking this path toge­ther and doing good – not only for the region, but also for the world.”



“Our goal is to provide our custo­mers with a complete, effi­cient and cost-effec­tive solu­tion which conti­nu­ally creates an add value. By inte­gra­ting PYREG tech­no­logy at the respec­tive sites and making addi­tional use of
the bioen­ergy gene­rated, we have achieved this in a sustainable manner.”


“I have been working successfully with PYREG for more than 10 years because their  tech­no­logy allows the use of this natural problem solver.”


“Our custo­mers actively contri­bute to climate
protec­tion, as carbon remains contained in the soil for hundreds of years (carbon sink). Over the course of time we have put three PYREG plants into opera­tion – what better proof can there be that we stand by our ecolo­gi­cally and econo­mic­ally sensible decision?”


“Gentle carbo­niza­tion of the resi­dual mate­rials is the basis of our valuable potting soil. We have chosen PYREG because their many years of scien­tific support and prac­tical expe­ri­ence give us great secu­rity regar­ding our sustainable product quality.”


“As the leading marketer of EBC certi­fied biochar, we are opening The Carbon Removal Park Baltic Sea in Greves­mühlen (Germany) in 2023 – the largest site of Novo­carbo. To be able to handle such a project and guarantee our quality promise on a long­term basis, we need a reliable tech­no­logy. Ther­e­fore we have been successfully coope­ra­ting with PYREG from the very begin­ning. This new site is only a next step on the way.”


“Water supply and disposal plays a key role in secu­ring peace, growth and prospe­rity world­wide. HST actively shapes envi­ron­mental protec­tion with solu­tion-oriented engi­nee­ring deve­lo­p­ments. PYREG plays a decisive role in this. Our project in Trutnov is an example of the successful imple­men­ta­tion of a future-proof green technology.”

Dr. Elke Selle­ring (sales manager Eliquo Tech­no­lo­gies GmbH)


“How do I treat sewage sludge correctly? This ques­tion is of crucial importance for modern waste­water treat­ment. On the one hand, the disposal of sewage sludge incurs high costs. On the other hand, it can be used as a valuable energy and nutrient resource.
In this context we were looking for a partner and found it in PYREG. Toge­ther we offer the plan­ning and realiza­tion of a sustainable sewage sludge utiliza­tion concept with inte­gra­tion of our sewage sludge dryer ELODRY®️ and the PYREG®️ carbo­niza­tion plant – with inte­grated holi­stic heat reco­very and utiliza­tion concept.
This was imple­mented for the first time 10 years ago at the Linz Unkel waste­water treat­ment plant. This was followed by further projects in which we successfully coope­rated. Since then, we have been jointly offe­ring custo­mized plant concepts for muni­ci­pa­li­ties as partners.”

What our custo­mers say

The testi­mo­nials who successfully prac­tice CO₂ removal and circular economy around the globe speak for themselves:

Inte­rested in the most effi­cient carbo­niza­tion systems in the world?

#Turn­po­si­ti­venow Blog

A New Economic Engine for Maine’s Forest Industry

A New Economic Engine for Maine’s Forest Industry

Our partner Stan­dard Biocarbon is using PYREG tech­no­logy to do amazing things for Maine’s forestry and agri­cul­ture indus­tries. SBC’s faci­lity takes sawmill bypro­ducts like wood chips, pins, and fines and trans­forms these resi­duals into high-quality biochar, crea­ting a...

Looking for even more infor­ma­tion? Take a look at our blog as well.