From waste to value –
Driving sustaina­bi­lity and a circular economy

Trans­forming organic waste streams into Biochar and rene­wable energy is our busi­ness.
PYREG systems locally upcycle your organic waste into valuable Biochar, thereby “closing the loop” and demons­t­ra­ting a true Circular Economy.  
During the carbo­niza­tion process, the majo­rity of the carbon is actually seques­tered in the resul­ting Biochar, thereby inhi­bi­ting the release of CO2 into the atmo­sphere, for centu­ries.  Further­more, as the PYREG system operates at tempe­ra­tures of up to 750°C, organic-based pollut­ants (such as solvents and micro­pla­s­tics) are prac­ti­cally elimi­nated and mineral pollut­ants are filtered, to ensure they cannot re-enter the environment. 

The advan­tages of
waste volume reduc­tion  • a high quality product   rene­wable energy   CO2 sink certificates

to be used either as a yield model or to benefit the compa­nies CSR goals.

CO2 Sink

Waste Volume

Extra­cted Re-
newable Energy

High Quality
End-Product: Biochar

Turn posi­tive now!

Carbon removal with Pyreg can be used, either as a yield model or, to benefit the compa­nies CSR goals.

CO2-Sink Certi­fi­cates

2.100 t CO2/year
262.500 €*
(Puro Earth, 01.11.22, base price 125€) 

Upcy­cling your waste
to Biochar

900 t/year
= 720.000 €

CO2-Carbon Storage

2.100 t CO2/year
180.000 trees 

Rene­wable Energy

600 kW ≙ ~ 4,8 GWh/year
240,000 €/year
+ addi­tional savings 
compared to liquid gas 1,300 t CO2

/year Source: Fach­buch rege­ne­ra­tive Ener­gie­sys­teme (2019)
              By example wood­chips 80%DS, 19 MJ/kg DS
             * Produc­tion-related CO2 emis­sions have already been deducted

COSink Certi­fi­cates

Carbo­niza­tion is a climate protec­tion instrument

During this carbo­niza­tion process, most of the carbon is actually seques­tered in the resul­ting biochar, thereby inhi­bi­ting the release of CO2 into the atmo­sphere, for centu­ries. This seques­tered CO2 amount can be certi­fied and used as Carbon Credits either to achieve sustainable corpo­rate goals (CSR) or to trade them on the open market.

CO2 Sink Certification

Waste volume reduction

Disposal of industry waste and sludge is beco­ming incre­asingly deman­ding due to high envi­ron­mental requi­re­ments, incre­asing disposal costs and capa­city bott­len­ecks.
The carbo­niza­tion process allows a final mass reduc­tion of up to 90%, which not only reduces your waste mate­rials but also your trans­por­ta­tion and disposal costs, significantly.


Extra­cted Rene­wable Energy

The carbo­niza­tion process is self-sustai­ning; after comple­tion of the starting-up phase no further external energy is required to run the process, as the energy from the waste is suffi­cient for the conti­nu­ance of the thermal treat­ment. It is even possible to benefit from the excess heat produced; an amount of 150 up to 750 kWth may be used for drying of humid biomass, for heating or power generation. 

Up to 5.6 GWhth usable heat energy per year as hot water, steam or thermal oil can be used.

High Quality Product: Biochar

High quality biochar has a great variety of charac­te­ristics and effects; it acts like a sponge, retai­ning water and nutri­ents. These quali­ties enable biochar to be used in many appli­ca­tions, such as:
• Filtra­tion   • Soil impro­ve­ment   • Feed-addi­tive

The quality and ther­e­fore the appli­ca­tion areas depend on the input mate­rial. Low-quality biochar can be used as filling mate­rial in produc­tion or as a buil­ding mate­rial addi­tive in asphalt or concrete.
Either way – waste can be used again in a sustainable way to close the loop, demons­t­ra­ting a true Circular Economy.

Carbonization technology


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Carbonization in China


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