Turn your produc­tion climate posi­tive – CO2 removal with resi­dual materials


For a resi­lient CSR and commu­ni­ca­tion of sustainability


With a PYREG system, carbo­naceous resi­dues are carbo­nized and around 3 tons of CO2 per ton of biochar are perma­nently stored.

Biochar is a valuable and sustainable product. By using it as soil improver or as substi­tute for fossil mate­rials, natural carbon sinks are created, in which CO2 is seques­tered for centu­ries. These carbon sinks, just like refo­re­sta­tion and humus growth, are without alter­na­tive to coun­teract the climate crisis. After all, emis­sion reduc­tions alone are not enough. To achieve the goal of the Euro­pean Union, which is to become climate neutral by 2050, the annual sink volume must increase to at least 850 million tons of CO2 .

Using the PYREG PX 1500, an average output of 550 tons of biochar can be produced every year. Incor­po­rated into the soil as a soil improver, this can sequester as much CO₂ per year as 140,000 trees.

Carbo­ni­sa­tion is a climate protec­tion instrument

Gene­rate your own CO2-certi­fi­cates!

By upcy­cling your resi­dual mate­rials into a climate-protec­ting end-product, your produc­tion becomes climate-posi­tive. You can sell any addi­tional CO2 storage capa­city as CO2-certi­fi­cates on the volun­tary market. Our partner, Carbon­fu­ture, is the first trading plat­form that meets the high EBC stan­dards. Here, based on our type certi­fi­ca­tion, some of our custo­mers are already listed. Become part of this carbon sink industry!


Your guarantee: The EBC seal

PYREG plants are EBC type-certi­fied, a volun­tary industry stan­dard in Europe desi­gned to ensure consis­tent and veri­fiable stan­dards for climate-protec­tive biochar production.