Mai 12, 2023 | biochar, biosolids, Klärschlamm, PFAS, phosphorus fertilizer
Phosphordünger-Karbonisate aus Klärschlämmen sind eine umwelt- und klimaschützende Lösung, die Kreisläufe schließt. Sogar gesundheitsschädliche PFAS, Mikroplastik und andere Schadstoffe werden eliminiert. Zugleich bleibt der Phosphor...
Jan 30, 2023 | agriculture, biosolids, CDR, events
PYREG is present at various trade fairs and congresses. We look forward to welcoming you at our booths there or to meeting you during the events. To reserve an appointment, please contact us at Carbon Unbound Europe: September 11-12, 2024 • London,...
Feb 1, 2022 | biosolids, Klärschlamm, Pflanzenkohle, Unkategorisiert
With the PYREG PX 750, the Abwasserverband Main-Taunus has commissioned the worldwide most advanced carbonization and phosphorus recovery plant. From now on, municipal sewage sludge is sanitized and recycled into phosphorus fertilizer on site in...
Okt 27, 2021 | biosolids, climate change, GWP, Klärschlamm, net-zero, Pflanzenkohle
PYREG Biochar from biosolids proves a negative global warming potential by a factor of 10 compared to conventional fertilizer. In a 2019 study by the German Federal Environmental Agency, the result is that conventional fertilizer production in Germany emits...