Dez. 7, 2022 | CDR, climate change, Co2-Footprint, Pflanzenkohle
Vom 6. bis 8. Dezember 2022 haben Sie die Gelegenheit, am jährlichen Symposium der Internationalen Biochar-Initiative mit dem Titel „Raising Climate Ambitions with Biochar“ teilzunehmen. Die dreitägige, virtuelle Veranstaltung wird sich auf die...
Sep. 14, 2022 | CCS, CDR, climate change, Pflanzenkohle, Unkategorisiert
The competition for European scale-ups & start-ups in renewable energy PYREG is proud to be among the 10 remaining finalists of the New Energy Challenge (NEC). Jointly organized by Rockstart, Shell, Unknown Group and YES!Delft, the New Energy Challenge...
Juli 29, 2022 | Bioenergie, Biomasse, CDR, net-zero, Pflanzenkohle, Pyrolyse, Reststoffe
„Carbonization of biomass to produce Biochar for use in Regenerative Agriculture” PYREG held its first Biochar symposium for Growers in the California Central Valley. Why? Biomass residues are valuable materials! With PYREG NetZero Carbonization...
März 10, 2022 | Bioenergie, Biomasse, CDR, EBC, net-zero, Pflanzenkohle, Unkategorisiert
Swiss energy service provider IWB produces regenerative heat and CO2-absorbing biochar from green waste. The Basel based IWB has realized the first climate-neutral district heating project in Switzerland. Using our newly developed PX1500, IWB is now...