Jan 30, 2025 | agriculture, BCR, Biochar, Biomass, business, climate protection, PFAS
Our partner Standard Biocarbon is using PYREG technology to do amazing things for Maine’s forestry and agriculture industries. SBC’s facility takes sawmill byproducts like wood chips, pins, and fines and transforms these residuals into high-quality biochar,...
Jan 11, 2025 | agriculture, PFAS, Sewage Sludge
Research proves that the PFAS threat is real, that it’s widespread, and is linked to a wide range of significant health risks in humans and animals, but there is something we can do. PYREG is a proven and scalable solution for destroying PFAS in sewage...
Apr 29, 2024 | BCR, carbon credits, CDR, Uncategorized
WHAT ARE CARBON CREDITS? A carbon credit is a tradeable unit representing the avoidance, reduction or removal of one metric ton of CO2e from the atmosphere. Organizations and individuals can use these credits to oset their greenhouse gas emissions, or...
Dec 20, 2023 | Uncategorized
It’s time to end the debate – new research confirms that biochar delivers permanent carbon removal! A very insightful podcast by Nori with Hamed Sanei. “Hamed walks us through why there has been debate, what his research has found, and why he thinks the debate...
Jan 30, 2023 | agriculture, biosolids, CDR, events
PYREG is present at various trade fairs and congresses. We look forward to welcoming you at our booths there or to meeting you during the events. To reserve an appointment, please contact us at sales@pyreg.com. German Biochar Forum: November 18, 2024 • Berlin,...