Jan 20, 2020 | Company, Sewage Sludge
Full activity in Czech Republic: Our service team is currently installing the next PYREG plant for sewage sludge recycling there. Recycling the contained phosphorus gently and storing CO2 – this is on the agenda in more and more European countries. After...
Jan 15, 2020 | Biochar, Biomass
Biochar may now be used throughout Europe in organic farming as a fertilizer/soil conditioner. What a breakthrough! In Germany, for example, biochar has so far only been allowed to be used in the form of charcoal in agriculture. But now, in December 2019, Ursula...
Nov 14, 2019 | Biochar, Company
Biochar has a great deal of (climate protection) potential and therefore deserves even more attention. At the European level, a new association was founded a few weeks ago, the European Biochar Industry Consortium (EBI), which is now also online with its new...
Apr 29, 2019 | Biochar, Company
On a field near Bingen on the Rhine, students of the Technical University of Bingen handed out around 300 kilograms of carbon fertilizer from chicken manure and pig manure over an area of 1,700 square metres. This fertilizer was produced as part of a joint...