16. February 2024
Henriette zu Doha
BCR | Biochar | carbon credits | CDR | net-zero | voluntary carbon market

Carbon­fu­ture, Puro.earth, PYREG and SYNCRAFT join forces to enhance trans­pa­rency in tracking carbon removals

This part­ner­ship is a unique example of an ecosystem coming toge­ther to provide complete trans­pa­rency – from stan­dard-setting to credit issu­ance – buil­ding trust at every step of the carbon removal process.

Here’s what to know:

  • The part­ner­ship aims to create a scalable and reliable digital infra­struc­ture for CDR, essen­tial for meeting the netzero goals of the Paris Agree­ment by scaling the industry to 10 Gt/year.
  • The colla­bo­ra­tion combines real-time Internet of Things data with the requi­re­ments from an estab­lished Stan­dard and a digital MRV system. This enables busi­nesses to confi­dently invest in CDR, while CDR suppliers benefit from real-time insights into their projects, enhan­cing the manage­ment and quality assu­rance of their projects.
  • The part­ner­ship lever­ages the strengths of each orga­niza­tion involved. Puro.earth defines the data requi­re­ments to accu­ra­tely assess the quality of the carbon removal project. Pyreg GmbH and SYNCRAFT then provide this essen­tial data, such as pyro­lysis tempe­ra­ture and water content of biochar. Carbon­fu­ture gathers this data through its MRV+, provi­ding it to suppliers for better deli­very and inven­tory manage­ment, and to Puro.earth for certi­fi­ca­tion and veri­fi­ca­tion. Addi­tio­nally, Carbon­fu­ture markets veri­fied CO2 Removal Certi­fi­cates (CORCs) through its Marketplace.

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