Taking respon­si­bi­lity for CO2 from biomass

Taking respon­si­bi­lity for CO2 from biomass

Biogenic resi­dues, such as those released for disposal in indus­trial processes as well as those that have so far simply been left to rot (e.g. wood cuttings), pose a considerable climate problem: they contain carbon. In conven­tional disposal...

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SWEDEN: Climate commis­sion recom­mends use of biochar

SWEDEN: Climate commis­sion recom­mends use of biochar

Sweden aims to become climate-neutral by 2045 and has had a special commis­sion draw up a stra­tegy for this. The compre­hen­sive report was presented yesterday. On 850 pages, it describes "paths to a climate-friendly future". It is not without reason...

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