Biochar – a scalable solution in the fight against PFAS
Research proves that the PFAS threat is real, that it’s widespread, and is linked to a wide range of significant health risks in humans and animals, but there is something we can do. PYREG is a proven and scalable solution for destroying PFAS in...
PYREG is heading “Down Under” with Carbonisation Systems for Sydney Water to recycle Sludge in a closed Loop
North West Hub Alliance and PYREG sign Supply Contract to deploy Carbonisation Systems for the North West Hub Alliance’s Riverstone (Sydney Water WRRF) Project Expanding water resource recovery infrastructure for Sydney’s growing northwest...
Orbital Biocarbon and PYREG Partner to Transform Wastewater Sludge Disposal into Regulation Compliant, Carbon Negative and PFAS-Free Profit Center
PYREG and Orbital Biocarbon, a leading Pittsburgh-based project development and finance company, specializing in wastewater sludge disposal solutions for wastewater utilities, made public today, their partnership. Using PYREG's technology, Orbital...
Pyrolysis not only eliminates PFAS from sewage sludge, the biochar also absorbs PFAS in contaminated soils
Per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS), also known as the Forever Chemicals, are a large chemical family of over 4,700 highly persistent chemicals that don’t occur in nature. PFAS are the most persistent synthetic chemicals to date. They...
Carbonization of sewage sludge removes pollutants of high ecological and human health impact
Recycling sewage sludge, through pyrolysis, results in high-quality biochar, containing valuable phosphorus, an essential nutrient for plant growth. Moreover, carbonization offers municipalities a safe and profitable solution in terms of the...
Waste-to-Value: From Sewage Sludge to Natural Fertilizer and Carbon Capture
Recycling sewage sludge, through the process of pyrolysis, results in the production of high-quality biochar, containing valuable phosphorus, an essential nutrient for plant growth. Moreover, this process offers municipalities a safe and profitable...
Biochar from sewage sludge: the phosphorus fertilizer for a safe and sustainable agriculture
The Danish EPA gives green light for application of biochar from sewage sludge for use in farming: Biochar from sewage sludge can now be used as a fertilizer. If the pyrolysis takes place at temperatures > 500˚C for more than 3 minutes, and the...
The wastewater association Main-Taunus chooses a climate-protecting and cost-saving way to recycle phosphorus from sewage sludge
With the PYREG PX 750, the Abwasserverband Main-Taunus has commissioned the worldwide most advanced carbonization and phosphorus recovery plant. From now on, municipal sewage sludge is sanitized and recycled into phosphorus fertilizer on site in...
Biochar from biosolids: the climate-positive alternative to conventional phosphorus fertilizer
PYREG Biochar from biosolids proves a negative global warming potential by a factor of 10 compared to conventional fertilizer. In a 2019 study by the German Federal Environmental Agency, the result is that conventional fertilizer production in...
Sewage sludge phosphorus fertilizer registered in Sweden
Scandinavia is a pioneer in many respects. For and with our Swedish partner and customer Skanefrö, we have now been able to register a phosphorus fertilizer in Sweden. The fertilizer was produced on the PYREG P500KS plant in Hammenhög, near Malmö....
PYREG GOES CZECH REPUBLIC: Plant for sewage sludge recycling will soon go into operation
Full activity in Czech Republic: Our service team is currently installing the next PYREG plant for sewage sludge recycling there. Recycling the contained phosphorus gently and storing CO2 – this is on the agenda in more and more European countries....
2018 – Youtube, University of Bingen, Talk im Kesselhaus
There is a new sewage sludge regulation in Germany. With the decision of the Federal Council the amendment passed the whole legislative procedure. Germany has not made it easy with the new sewage sludge regulation. The legislative procedure lasted...