A New Economic Engine for Maine’s Forest Industry

A New Economic Engine for Maine’s Forest Industry

Our partner Stan­dard Biocarbon is using PYREG tech­no­logy to do amazing things for Maine’s forestry and agri­cul­ture indus­tries. SBC’s faci­lity takes sawmill bypro­ducts like wood chips, pins, and fines and trans­forms these resi­duals into high-quality...

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New System Installation

New System Installation

We’ve commis­sioned a new PX500S system for our partner TCHAR in Taiwan. PYREG nega­tive-emis­sions tech­no­logy will be used to convert agri­cul­tural resi­dues and other bioso­lids into high-quality biochar while also crea­ting valuable carbon credits....

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Climate Week – Let`s meet in New York

Climate Week – Let`s meet in New York

We’ll be atten­ding and parti­ci­pa­ting in Climate Week NYC later this month to meet with part­ners and other leaders in the climate and carbon removal indus­tries. On September 24th, we’ll be a sponsor and parti­ci­pate at the Carbon Dioxide...

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PYREG enters the UK market with Black Bull Biochar

PYREG enters the UK market with Black Bull Biochar

PYREG supplies Net Zero tech­no­logy for the Black Bull Biochar project to elimi­nate green­house gases The market-leading Biochar Carbon Removal tech­no­logy turns wood­chip resi­dues into CO2-binding premium biochar and gene­rates rene­wable energy at an...

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