17. January 2024
Henriette zu Doha

Cele­bra­ting 15 years!

From a garage start-up to market leader

On this day 15 years ago, PYREG was founded by Helmut Gerber (CTO) who started the company from his very own garage.

The PYREG Helmut Gerber Inge­nieur­büro GmbH (now known as PYREG GmbH) was created in 2009 as a spin-off from Bingen Univer­sity of Applied Sciences with the aim of provi­ding an effi­cient and resource-saving solu­tion to the current waste disposal problem while simul­ta­neously gene­ra­ting rene­wable energy.
Fast forward to today, and PYREG is considered the fore­most pioneer in the biochar carbon removal industry: With more than 50 systems installed world­wide, PYREG is the market leader in the cons­truc­tion of high-tech plants for the produc­tion of CO₂-binding biochar and a pioneer in the field of CO₂ extra­c­tion. The PYREG systems remove more than 30,000 metric tons of CO₂ annu­ally and, with 75 GWh, cover the annual heating requi­re­ments of around 5,000 house­holds. The tech­no­logy is considered a refe­rence by the U.S. Envi­ron­mental Protec­tion Agency and is EBC type-certi­fied (Euro­pean Biochar Certi­fi­cate).

What an amazing journey these past 15 years have been!



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New System Installation

New System Installation

We’ve commissioned a new PX500S system for our partner TCHAR in Taiwan. PYREG negative-emissions technology will be used to convert agricultural residues and other biosolids into high-quality biochar while also creating valuable carbon credits....